Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday November 18, 2011

It was much warmer this morning but GR is under a high wind warning. I did not experience any wind problems on my way to the MAC. I was really tired today and I thought about going 50% instead of 100%. However, once I got started I decided to go 100%. On my ride to the Kava House I encounterd some very heavy winds. I had to gear down the bike. I read my papers and drank my coffee slowly because Kim is cleaning the house today. I find stories about energy, argiculture and mining very interesting. I am a commodities person. When I got home Kim was just finishing up. I had a quick lunch and then helped Nancy get ready for a dinner party we are having tonight. Nancy has invited 5 folks over for dinner. She has been working hard all week. After my chores I headed upstairs and continued working on the family tree stuff. I called the Alpena County Clerk's office to see if I could purchase death certificates for my Great Grandparents. I want this information because it will tell me, I hope, their place of birth. About 1600 I took a 30 minute nap. At 1700 I helped Nancy put the finishing touch on her dinner preparations. Exactly at 1800 all the guests arrived. We had drinks and some cheese and crackers, and fruit and nuts. At 1915 Nancy called everyone to the table. She fixed a great Italian dinner. The pumpkin dessert was really good. After dinner we retired to the living room for coffee and conversation. I think a good time was had by all.

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