Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friday November 11, 2011

Today is 11/11/11, Veteran's Day. On Veteran's Day I usually ask all the Vets I know if they can remember their serial number. The reply is almost 100% affirmative. My number was 652654. We had snow on the ground this morning but it is suppose to warm up real fast. Of course I did the MAC/Kava House routine. I do not know why I continue to read about the problems in Europe but I do. Global warmning seems to have been pushed off the front pages. I think our President has made a bad mistake by not approving the oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf. The line would create a lot of jobs and help us towards some type of energy independence. When was the last time you heard anything about the hole in the ozone layer? After a quick lunch I got in the C2 and headed to Alto. I had a short meeting with Jennifer Dougherty to go over a set of plans she had prepared. The plans were well done. When I got home I immediately headed downstairs to see if I could find some paper that said I was a veteran. With a little digging I sound my "Certificate of Service". I will need the certificate in order to get a free meal at Pietro's. Nancy and I did have dinner at Pietro's. It was very crowded. After dinner we watched some TV before heading to bed.

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