Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday November 6, 2011

Sunday and Nancy and I are confused by the time change. We did make it to the MAC by 0800. We both swam our 45 minutes. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I filled the Taurus and gas was $3.25. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I read several sections of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I spent the rest of the afternoon working in my office. At 1700 I walked Ms P around the block and then went on a 1.5 mile walk. It was very windy today and the leaves are really falling. The temperature got to 60 today. It is now 1740 and it is dark outside. We are having soup for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch 60 minutes and then head to bed. Fifty years ago on a early November Sunday Ensign Scott and several of his fellow Ensigns put on our uniforms and headed to LA. We attended a LA Rams/Detroit Lions football game. Military folks in uniform got in at 1/2 price. I think one of my fellow classmates had a car and drove us from Port Hueneme to LA. As I remember the Lions won and we had good seats. Karl Sweetan was QB for the Lions. Missy and I checked the pay for an Ensign today. They make about $2800 per month. I was making $222.30 per month. Times have changed.

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