Sunday, November 6, 2011

Saturday November 5, 2011

Saturday and the weatherman said it was going to be a beautiful fall day. Boy! was he ever right. It was a spectacular fall day. I started off by pedaling to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. After breakfast I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. I did a little exploring today. I found one new paved branch of Kent Trails that extends from the trail to under I 196. This trail was built when they were doing the Jennison/Baldwin Road Interchange. Another new paved trail extends around the north lake in Millennium Park. After doing the Kent Trail/Millennium Park routes I headed east on Wealthy until I tied into the Oxford Street Trail. I rode across the Grand River and Market Avenue using this trail. The City of GR used existing RR bridges to construct this trail. A branch of this trail located on the north side of the GR River heads west, parallel to the river, and goes through the old Butterworth Landfill. I pedaled the perimeter of the landfill ending back on Kent Trail near I 196 and the Coke Plant. I put 22 miles on my bike in 2 hours. I was a great ride and we have to thank the planners for building these trails. It is great to have these nice wild trails within the metro area. I did see several deer on my ride. I had a quick shower and then lunch before heading up to the office. This afternoon Nancy and Mary Namey are working at a sale at the Gardens. Ed Namey took the girls at noon. I picked them up at 1715. We then headed to the Twisted Rooster for dinner. Ed Namey got to the restaurant before we did and he already had a table. We were lucky that Ed got there early because when we arrived they had folks waiting outside. We had a good meal. I watched some football when we got home. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I stayed up until 2300 (actually 2200 because we go off DST). It was a great fall day. I noted a lot of spelling errors om this blog. Will someone tell me how to use word with spellcheck to write this blog. Since I installed the new explorer I cannot cut and paste. I need my spell check.

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