Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday November 22, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0500. After she did her bidness I headed back to bed. I got up with the alarm at 0600. It was 32 when I left for the MAC. I encountered a very strong east wind. Being Tuesday I did my row, run and swim routine. I stopped by the bank to get $50 in dollar coins. I use these coins whenever I can. I think the USA should get rid of the paper dollar bill and also the penny. I bought a coffee to go at the Omelet Shop. I sat in a comfortable chair in the Mall's open area and read the DFP and WSJ. The WSJ had a story about the women in charge of disclipine at PSU. She quit because the football coach said she had no authority over the football players. In fact she did and it looks like the football team was held to a different standard than regular students. It looks like there is something rotten in the AD. The DFP reported on Detroit's City Council voting to cut over 1,000 jobs. The Council is being more aggressive than the Mayor. They are finally biting the bullet. When I got home I had lunch. While eating I was watching MSNBC and the Mayor of NYC was on. He took our President to task and said that the President should announce that he will veto any extension to the Bush tax cuts. This simple statement would take the tax isssue off the table and the congress could tackle other debt issues. I would vote for the Mayor based on just what he said today. I had several errands to run this afternoon. First I stopped by Martha's Vineyard on Union to get some wine and champagne. I also stopped by the DeVos Center to get 4 tickets for a play next Tuesday. After I got home from these errands I sat down and spit in a tube. My spit will be used in a DNA test. I ran to the PO to mail this package. After I finish this blog I am heading to Rylee's because they are having a sale that runs from 1600 to 2000. 20% off every item in the store. Nancy I fixing beans and rice for dinner. We will watch NCIS and then head for bed. Nancy says that she is recovering from her cold. She sounded pretty bad last night.

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