Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday November 27, 2011

It has been a busy week and now I will play catch up. How come if the Lord rested on the seventh day, Sunday, that calenders have Sunday as the first day of the week? It should be the last day of the week, right? Thursday November 24, 2011, Thanksgiving Day, and Bob and Nancy slept in until 0700. Nancy was going to go to the MAC for a class and I decided to take a walk. I walked around Reeds Lake. I did 7 miles in two hour, a good time for me. As I was walking I thought about past Thanksgivings. In my 73 years I have spent only 3 away from family. In my youth we spent Thanksgiving at my Grandparent's farm. About 30 family members would be in attendance. We have plenty of food. These Thanksgivings were pre TV so we did not have the distraction of a football game except on the radio. After dinner my Aunt Bernice would play the piano and we would all sing. Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday. Starbucks in Gaslight was open so I stopped for a coffee. The place was very busy. When I got home I showered and then watched the Lions. This afternoon we had Thanksgiving dinner at the Moleski's. The Moleski's daughter, Gale, was home for the holiday. The Namey's and Tim were also in attendance. It was a great time. We were home by 2000. Friday November 25, 2011: Ms P and I went out at 0430. I got up for good at 0600. It was very pleasant this morning for my ride to the MAC. After the workout I pedaled to Breton Village Mall. I met Nancy at Jos Banks and picked out several Christmas presents. I bought a coffee at the Omelet Shop and read my papers in the Mall. When I got home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I was surprised that Costco was not very busy. We bought shaving supplies, vitamins, mouthwash and of course peanut butter. I had a hot dog. I did take a nap this afternoon. For dinner we took a coupon and headed to the Red Ball (?) on Plainfield for dinner. The restaurant was very small. The place was jammed. The food was very good. Saturday November 26, 2011: We got up at 0700 and got Ms P in the Taurus and headed out for Michigan City and the discount mall. We did stop at the Kava House for scones and coffee. We got to the Mall at 1000, EST. The mall was just opening. Both Nancy and I purchased a lot of clothes. I bought a pair of wool dress pants at Brooks Brothers, running shorts at Adidas, tee shirts at Eddie Bauer, and button down shirts at Polo. We got home about 1500. I took a 3 mile walk. It was raining and I had to change clothes when I got home. For dinner we finished all the left overs in the reefer. Sunday November 27, 2011: We got up with the alarm at 0700 and got ready for the MAC. Nancy and I both swam 1500 yards. I bought gas at Meijers. I paid $3.14. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap and then took a 3 mile walk. Nancy is fixing hot dogs for dinner tonight. We will watch 60 minutes and finishe the GRP before heading to bed. I bought a bottle of single malt scotch in Campbeltown, Scotland. I finished the bottle last week. I really liked taking a small sip after dinner and so I wondered if Springbank Scotch is sold in GR. It is at Martha's Vineyard on Union.

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