Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday October 31, 2011

I can't believe that it is the end of October already. Where has the year gone? The day started dark and cold. The MAC was not very crowded and I finished in record time. I did my ususal coffee and paper at the Kava House. When I got home Missy and AJ were gone. They were visiting a family that had adopted a child from Kazakstan. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to my office. At 0245 Missy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Hudsonville to meet with Doug Brackmann. Doug is an attorney who has provided me and SCECO with good legal advice. Missy is thinking of trying to market some USA products in Central Asia. It was a good meeting. Nancy fixed a pot of chicken noddle soup for dinner. It was very good. At 1800 Missy, AJ and I headed out Trick-or treating. AJ was dressed as a tiger. Ms P wore her hot dog costume. Ms P was the hit of the neighborhood. We spent about an hour walking around the neighborhood. It was a very pleasant evening. The street were very crowded with a lot of kids from outside the area. In fact we had a traffic jam of visiting cars. Nancy ran out of candy in an hour. She had over 200 kids and adults visit our house. We watched a little TV and by 2100 we were all in bed.

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