Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday November 8, 2011

When Ms P and I went out this morning the pavement was wet from an early morning shower. The weather folks said it would rain all day so I wore my rainsuit to the MAC. It did not rain. Today being Tuesday I did the row, run and swim routine. I did increase my swim to 750 yards. I read the WSJ and DFP at the Kava House. Lately both the MAC and Kava House have not been very busy. I do not know the reason. It started to rain hard as I was pulling into the driveway. After lunch Nancy and I headed to our voting station to do our civic duty. The place was empty. I voted and kept my nearly perfect voting record intact. When I got home I headed upstairs to my office. My first duty was to set up a meeting with the City regarding the OHNA's Street Lights. The meeting is set for next Wednesday. I then took a short nap. After the nap I continued reviewing a set of bridge plans. I printed the plans out 1/2 size. I think my eyes are getting worse because Nancy came upstairs and asked if I had been crying because my eyes were all red. I pointed out that the redness was caused by eye strain. Tomorrow I will get some reading glasses. Tonight we had sandwiches and soup for dinner. I also had a beer. It is now 1934 and I must get this blog done so I can watch NCIS. Despite the rain I got my 30 in today. Did you? I feel sorry for PSU's football coach but the charges against his former assistant are very serious. Children must be protected at all costs. I do not know who to believe in the Herman Cain matter. It is a "he said/she said" matter. I think the Navy had the right approach when they said "Never, Never touch a person who is subordinate to you". Good Advice.

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