Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday November 21, 2011

Sunday morning and I fixed the alarm so it would go off at the right time. We were at the MAC at 0800. The pool was empty this morning so we did not have to share a lane. We both swam 45 minutes. I bought gas at Meijer's and it was $3.25 per gallon. Nancy fixed poached (world famous) for breakfast. After breakfast I read several sections of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. Nancy fixed ham sandwiches for dinner. After dinner I read the GRP and watched 60 Minutes. 60 Minutes had two section about successful women. Taylor Swift at age 21 came across as being on top of her game. The second section was about the Frenchwoman who is head of the IMF. I was impressed. I watched part of the Sunday football game and at 2100 headed to bed. Monday November 21, 2011: Ms P had to go out at 0430. I was not happy. The alarm went off at 0555 but I did not get up until 0630. It was cold this morning but the sun was out when I headed to the MAC. I wore lined pants so I did not get cold. The MAC was very crowded this morning. I wonder do some places shut down for Thanksgiving week? I know that Apple is shut down for this week. I am really slowing down. 10 years ago I could run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes. Last year my time increased to 15 minutes. Lately I have been getting slower. This morning my time was 16'10". Ouch. I finished the morning at the Kava House drinking coffe and reading the papers. After lunch Ms P and I headed outside to pick up some leaves. I filled three GR yard bags and also swept the garage. I think my yard work is done for the year. Nancy is not feeling well today so I think we will head to bed early.

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