Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday November 13, 2011

It is 1542 on a windy gloomy Nov. day. I am listening to a CD of Scottish Folk tunes. I bought it when in Scotland and have almost worn it out. This morning Nancy and I got up at 0700 and got ready for our morning swim. We both swam 1500 yards in under 48 minutes. I think this is pretty good for old folks. Nancy is a great swimmer. After the swim we headed up to Meijer's for supplies. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.44 per gallon. I also returned 23 bottle for our refund. Michigan's bottle return law I think has proven very successful. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. After I finish this blog I will walk to the post office to mail several survey forms that I recently filled out. Tonight Nancy is fixing barbecued pork sandwiches with tomato soup. We will watch 60 minutes and finish the GRP. I hope to be in bed by 2130 because Nancy and Bob have a busy week coming up.

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