Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday November 7, 2011

The weather folks said that we wil have no rain today. They recommended raking leaves and other yard work because the rain will start tomorrow and last several days. It is great to be back on regular time because it was light out when I started my ride to the MAC. Monday is my busy day at the MAC but I was done by 1000. I promised myself that I would not spend more that 1 hour reading the morning papers at the Kava House. I completed this mission. I think I am so tired reading about the debt crisis that I skipped over most articles. After a quick lunch I headed outside to pick up leaves using the bagger on the lawn mower. It took about 2 hours to get the yard clean. Most of this time was spent throwing the ball for Ms P. I think I will have to pick up leaves one more time this year. After I completed the leaf project I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I filled the C2 up and also got a gallon for the mower. I stopped by D&W to purchase some GR leaf bags. I then showered and took a very short nap. It is now 1735 and as I write this blog I am listening to a CD on Scottish folk tunes that I picked up last spring in the motherland. After dinner I will read the GRP and then watch some TV. Speaking of the GRP starting In 2012 the GRP will only deliver papers on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I guess this is the sign of the times. I like to read papers on my Kindle but I miss the funny papers.

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