Sunday, November 6, 2011

Friday November 4, 2011

Friday and today I have nothing planned. I do my MAC and Kava House routine. I do spend some extra time reading at the Kava House because Kim is cleaning the house today and I do not want to get in her way. I get home about 1300 and Kim is still cleaning. Nancy mentioned she wants to go to Costco so we get in the Taurus and head out. Costco was very busy today. They also had a lot of free samples. I quess the free samples means the Holidays are coming. After shopping I have a hot dog. Costco does have good hot dogs. I spent the rest of the afternoon working in my office. We stayed home Friday night. Nancy fixed ham sandwiches for dinner. We also had mashed potatoes and peas. We did watch some TV. We watched the Gifted Man. I kind of like this show. We headed upstairs about 2130.

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