Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thursday December 1, 2011

Another day without snow which means I can take the bike. I bundled up and headed to the MAC. I did my tri today and once again I swam 900 yards. I am finding swimming easier on my old joints and think that it won't be too long before I stop running and start swimming daily. After the MAC I head to the Kava House. The sun was shining with little wind. A perfect day for a bike ride. It looks like the political powers in Detroit are finally getting serious about solving their money problems. It will take some political courage but they have little choice.

After lunch I was heading upstairs when I get a call from my old boss at Kent County, Dave Despres. Dave called to tell me that the JDRF was rated "A" as a charity. This rating means that the donations they receive is actually spent on research. We ended up talking about almost everything and I hung up after 90 minutes. There is no such thing as a short call with Dave.

I checked my email and then took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are attending a charity event at Meijer's Garden. It is their Christmas Gala, Black Tie optional. I wore just a plain old suit. Nancy looked great. There were 500 folks at the event. The Gardens looked spectacular with all the Christmas decorations. We got home at 2100 and were in bed by 2200.

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