Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday December 24, 2011

Wow, Christmas Eve already. Did you know that in my 73 Christmas Eve's I have spent only two away from family. I was very lonely on those two occasions. This morning Nancy and I slept in. We got up about 0730. We had breakfast at the Cheri Inn. It was very good.

When we got home I started packing. I was 1/2 complete when I got a call that my AT bike had been repaired. I got in the C2 and headed to the shop. My bike is now ready for winter riding. Speaking of winter we finally got a thin covering of snow. Snow makes it look like Christmas. Although it is now 1500 and most of the snow is gone.

I have a bill to pay so I will walk to the post office. I also need to get my 30 in today. I finished packing and was surprised to get everything I need into one small suitcase. Nancy is fixing hamburgers for dinner tonight. I earlier stopped by D&W and got some coleslaw. D&W was jammed. Everyone must need one more thing for the Holiday meal.

I will watch some football and then we will head to bed early because 0430 comes early. I want to wish all readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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