Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday December 3, 2011

Saturday morning and I slept in until 0730 (Ms P and I went out at 0430). It was raining when I walked outside so I put on my rain suit and pedaled to "Bill's". I had their "Super Breakfast". It was still raining after breakfast but I needed some exercise so I headed around Reeds Lake, with a stop at the ATM machine. When I got home I changed my wet socks.

We are having some problems with our washing machine. Nancy and I have leveled the machine several time to no avail. The machine moves during the spin cycle and then we have to re-level the machine. It is very frustrating. This morning I checked the level and make some adjustments.

Presently, 1448, I am upstairs in my office cleaning up my desk. I just bought another Heritage data base so that I can continue some family research. We have had such a nice fall that I could not bring myself to stay inside. I do expect the weather to change and actually look forward to staying inside. I have several inside projects to complete this winter.

Nancy's sister, Peg, called this afternoon and she brought me up to date on her family. Nancy was at the hospital the first time Peg called. She is now talking to Peg.

This afternoon I am making a purchase at LL Bean. I will then head to Martha' Vineyard, a local store, and buy a bottle of single malt scotch. The scotch, Springbank, is made in Campbeltown, Scotland, my great grandfather McTavish's home town.

I will end this afternoon with a 2 mile walk. We are staying home this evening and I will watch the UW/MSU game.

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