Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday December 19, 2011

I get up with the 0559 alarm and get ready for the MAC. It is unseasonably warm today so I am riding the retro to the MAC. I had trouble sleeping last night but I was surprising spry this morning. My times in the row and run were very good. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I encountered a very strong west wind. I read several articles about the dictator of Korea dying. I cannot believe that his under 30 son will have a smooth transition. 2011 has been the downfall of many long serving dictators. I hope the world will be a better place.

I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I spent several hour catching up on my reading. At 1600 I took a 2 mile walk. Right now I am watching the Swedish version of the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". This is the first time I have watched a movie on my TV screen. The picture is quite small. Can I enlarge it? The movie is in Swedish with English subtitles. It is very good.
We had our normal Monday light dinner. We started the Monday and Wednesday light dinners when Nancy was teaching. On those days she had to work late so in order to get her exercise in she took a class at the MAC. I was on my own so of course I did not fix anything I just had a bowl of cereal.

After dinner I read the GRP and watched some news. I then headed upstairs and watched the end of the movie. I hope the English version which comes out this week is as good as the Swedish version. I headed to bed abut 2130.

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