Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday December 12, 2011

Monday morning and the alarm goes off at 0559. I get right up because today is a busy day. After my normal at-home routine I get in the C2 and head to the Ford dealer. Nancy is taking her car in to get some work done. The driver side seat warmer does not work, the Taurus needs its 4,000 mile oil change and we are getting the clock fixed. Not real big items but going without a seat warmer can be a hardship.

I drove Nancy to the MAC and gave her the keys to the C2. She will go to the hospital after the MAC. I will walk home. I was done with my Monday routine before 1000, a record for me. I walked over to Breton Village and bought a coffee and read the papers in the Mall. The grandparents keep bringing the grandkids to see the model train display. It took me over 1.5 hours to read the papers. Why do I read so slow? I got home at 1300.

After a quick lunch I drive Nancy back to the Ford dealer so she can pick up her car. It only cost $31 because most of the work was under warranty. I drove over to Dunham Sports because they had a picture of a UM sweat shirt in yesterday's paper. The sweat shirt only had a small M and this is what I wanted. I do not want a shirt that has MICHIGAN on it I want only a M. Dunham's did not have any. I accused them of false advertising.

After my disappointing trip to Dunham's I headed to the Comcast store on 36th Street. Our remote is not working. They took the old one and gave me a new one. My next stop was the eye doctor. I picked up a year's supply of contacts. He changed my prescription and so I needed new ones. I really like the new prescription.

My final stop was at my favorite hardware store, Rylee's. I returned a string of outdoor Christmas lights. I did not need the lights because I only had to change a fuse in the existing string to get them to work. With my refund I bought two mouse traps. Nancy wants to set one in the garage. She has not seen a mouse this year but she is sure they will invade the garage when it gets colder. When I got home I took my road bike to the basement and brought up the fat tired retro. I hung up my AT bike and will use my retro during the winter. I expect a call from the bike store telling me that the chain guard for my AT has arrived. I am getting a chain guard because I don't like wearing a sissy pant protector.

Tonight we are having cereal. We will watch some TV and read the GRP. I hope to be in bed before 2130.

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