Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday December 14, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0559 and I get right up because I have to make the 0700 Breakfast Club. First I have to get Nancy her morning coffee. It was raining and pitch black when I headed to BC. The food was especially good this morning. The speaker today was the publisher of the GRP. He explained why the GRP is only going to have home delivery on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. The electronic age is impacting print media in a major way. The majority of folks now get their news via TV or the internet. The impact of smart phones is immense. The GRP is not going away they are offering a complete newspaper online. This includes the funnies. I was very impressed with the presentation. They seem to have a handle on how to survive in the electronic age.

The average age of the BC is probably around 80 so when they were asked how many had smart phones, electronic readers or ipads, not many hands were raised. I think most of the BC did not like the new changes. I think the GRP is getting ahead of the curve. Change is inevitable. Live with it old people.

After BC I headed to the Kava House to read the WSJ and DFP on my Kindle. I did not finish the papers because I only had an hour on the parking meter. When I got home I finished my Christmas cards. I worked on the computer until about 1330 when I headed downtown to attend the GRBA monthly meeting. The GRBA is winding down. We do not have any new projects. An announcement was made at today's meeting about the big downsizing of the city's engineering department. They are going down from 34 people to 23. It was a kind of grim.

When I got home I had a message that my bike was ready. I got in the C2 and headed to Kentwood Cycle. I had the shop put on a chain guard and studded snow tires. I am ready for winter.

Tonight we will have cereal and maybe if I am nice Nancy will let me have a Christmas cookie. We have been receiving fruit and chocolate Christmas packages from relatives and friends. Nancy said she will limit my intake. However, I did sneak an apple while she was working at the Gardens. It was very good. Tonight we will read today's GRP. After the first of the year we will not get a paper copy on Wednesdays. I will have to read the paper online. No big deal.

It has rained all day. So far I have not been able to get my 30' in. I think I will try and take a walk around1900.

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