Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday December 6, 2011

It was 32⁰ this morning but no snow so I rode my bike to the MAC. Being Tuesday I did my tri, 15' row, 1.5 mile run and 900 yard swim. I got an early start this morning and I was done and on my way to the Kava House by 0945. I started reading the WSJ when who should appear but AJ and Missy. I bought AJ a chocolate chip cookie and Missy a mocha. After we finished talking I got on the bike and pedaled home.

Nancy worked at the hospital this morning and she brought me a chocolate chip cookie. After lunch I took a short nap. I get chilled when I ride my bike on these cold days. I turn the electric blanket on full blast to warm up.

It is now 1500 and I must pause this blog so I can go to the eye doctor for my annual checkup. My eyes are ok. The doctor did change my contact prescription slightly. I will probably need cataract surgery next year.

After the eye doctor I came home and changed clothes. Tonight, 1730-1930, Nancy and I are attending a presentation on the new Japanese Gardens at Meijer's Garden. The Landscape Architect gave a preview of his design. It was very impressive. We got free food and drinks. Of course they also gave us some pledge cards. While Nancy and I were attending the presentation AJ and Missy were touring the Gardens and looking at all the Christmas decorations. The Gardens look great.

We got home about 2000. I wanted to watch NCIS but it was a rerun so I went on a 1.5 mile walk.

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