Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday December 15, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0559 and I head downstairs to get Nancy her coffee. The thermometer says it is 57⁰. Eventually we are going to pay. I got on my AT with the new super duper snow tires. Kentwood Cycle did not put my 5 speed back together right and I had only one speed. Being Thursday I performed my tri today. I usually feel pretty good on Thursday because on Wednesday I take it easy. I read my papers at Breton Village today. The WSJ is really worried about the banks in Europe. For some reason European banks are not high on my worry list.

I got home at 1230. This afternoon we are expecting the Maytag repair man. Remember those commercials. He has my cell number and called about 1300 and said he was on his way. Nancy and I were surprised but he was able to fix our 24 year old washer. He said that our washer was very well made and if we bought a new one we would be lucky if it lasted 10 years. After the repair man left I went outside and tried to fix the 5 speed on the bike. I could not do it so I loaded it up and headed back to Kentwood Cycle. They fiddled with it for about 30 minutes and said it was fixed. It was raining to hard for me to test it so I headed home. When I got home the rain had stopped so I took a spin. Guess what! It still does not work. I am stuck in 3rd.

The temperature is suppose to drop to below freezing this evening. It might snow this weekend. Tonight Nancy and I are heading to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Tonight we will watch a "Person of Interest" and then head to bed. I wanted to take a nap this afternoon but got sidetracked by the washing machine and my bike.

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