Friday, December 23, 2011

December 22, 2011

Happy Solstice! Good news although today we have exactly 9 hours of daylight the days will start getting longer. It was still very mild this morning. I rode the retro to the MAC. Today was test day. I obtained a PB in the 2K row by hitting 9'51" and a year's best time in the mile of 9'19". I did not time myself in the 750 yard swim. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I said I was not going to the Kava House till spring because it is so cold. Old habits die hard. I spent a lot of time talking to several folks at the KH so I did not get home until 1315.
I get very cold when I ride my bike. I think all the lotion I put on in the winter contributes to my heat loss. Does anyone agree? After lunch I took a quick nap, 30' to warm up. Nancy and I are going to the 1700 movie this afternoon. It is a good day for a movie. I think that if you took an outdoor photo at noon today the flash would go off. The movie we selected was "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Based on popularity of the book we thought the movie would be very crowded. It has only been out two days. Much to our surprise the theater was nearly empty. It was a good movie. I said good not great. For your interest Stockholm has only 6h35' of daylight in December.
The movie got out at 2000 and so we decided to go home and Nancy would cook a pizza. It was a good idea because the frozen pizza we had was great. We opened a bottle of wine and watched some TV and read the paper. We watched "Person of Interest" and at 2200 headed upstairs.

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