Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday December 8, 2011

I got up with the alarm and did the usual at home routine. I think this might be the last day for awhile to ride my bike. The weather folks say snow is coming. The 2,000 meter row is the standard for indoor rowing. They have indoor 2,000 meter races all over the world. I checked on-line and saw the results for 121 folks in my age group (70-79). The average time was 9':18". The 50 percentile time was 8':58". Today, my time for the 2K was 9':01". I have some work to do to get to the 50 percentile time. I want to be able to do 8':30" by St Patrick's Day. We all need goals. When it came time to run I decided to time myself in the 1 mile run. My time was 9':30". I want to run 9' by St. Pat's Day. I did not check my time on my 750 yard swim this morning.

Missy and AJ plan to leave for Ohio about 1300. Nancy did not go to the MAC today so she could spend some time with the girls. Nancy did have to leave at 1200 to attend a tea. I wanted to be home by 1200 so I did not go to the Kava House. I sat in Breton Village Mall and read my papers. I got home by 1200. Missy, AJ and Ms P left for Ohio about 1345. I was sad to see them all leave.

I got my IRA check today and after the girls left I headed to the KCECU to deposit the check. I also stopped at Meijer's to buy some apples. I must have my daily apple.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we read the GRP and then watched "A Person of Interest". I headed upstairs at 2200.

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