Sunday, December 11, 2011

Friday December 9, 2011

The weatherman was right we had about 1/2" of snow last night. I shoveled the drive and walk using my new super wide shovel. We got in the Taurus and headed to the MAC. I started rowing at 0800. After the MAC I walked over to Breton Village Mall, bought a coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the Mall and read the WSJ and DFP. I sat by the model RR display that is set up in the MALL. I was amazed at how many grandparents bring the grandkids to see the train. The place was crowded. The Mall also has a Santa. After reading the papers I walked home.

After a quick lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I bought some eye drops and Nancy bought lotion. Costco was crowded and they had a lot of free samples. After Costco we headed to Staples. I bought a color printer cartridge for Nancy's printer. While I was in Staples Nancy walked next door to Aldi's to buy cooking apples. Our final stop was the Ford dealership. A warning light went off telling us the tire pressure was low. We got this checked and also make an appointment for Monday morning. We have to get the car serviced and also the driver's seat warmer must be fixed.

Tonight we are going to the OHNA's monthly TGIF. The TGIF was well attended. Everyone must bring a dish. The neighbors went out of their way and prepared some very good holiday treats. When we visited Nancy's sister in the Finger Lakes area of NY we went wine shopping at the many wineries that surround the lake. We brought a bottle of Lameroux Creek wine to the party. It was very good. I wrote the name down to see if we can purchase it locally.

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