Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday December 13, 2011

I got up with the 0600 alarm. No rain is forecast for today so I rode my retro bike to the MAC. The temperature was in the mid 30s so I had a pleasant ride. I did the T/TH tri today. I really had a slow swim phase. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The WSJ had several stories on the European debt. Will they ever get the mess cleaned up? I think the USA's debt problem is as serious as Europe.

Nancy had a brunch this morning at the Cascade Country Club. I got home at 1230 and Nancy walked in right after me. Nancy needed to go to Costco so I gave her some money to buy me a wool long sleeve tee shirt. I already have two but they are so light and warm that I wanted another. Costco from time to time has some great clothing items at a bargain basement prices.

I spent the early part of the afternoon reading the agenda and data for tomorrow's GRBA meeting. Kentwood Cycle called this afternoon and said the chain guard I ordered had arrived. I loaded up the AT and headed to the store. I told them to install the guard and also to put two new snow tires on the bike. I am getting ready for winter.

I am now starting to write my Christmas Cards. This year I am going to type them because my handwriting has really deteriorated. We decided to bite the bullet and call the Maytag repair man to look at the washer. He is coming Thursday.

Tonight we are having turkey sandwiches and soup. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS. I have to get to bed early because I have Breakfast Club and a GRBA meeting tomorrow. Must be fresh for these meetings. I got my 30' in today did you?

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