Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday December 2, 2011

It rained last night and the temperature this morning was at 32⁰. Before heading to the MAC I checked Mackinaw Road and found some icy spots. I decided not to take the bike and instead rode with Nancy to the MAC. I did my normal routine and when done I walked to the Breton Village Mall. I bought a coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the open area and read the papers. A model RR club has set up a Christmas display complete with a small village with bridges, tunnels and several beautiful trains. This is an annual event and the Mall was crowded with strollers and little kids watching the trains. It takes the RR club about a week to set up the display. I overheard one of the members saying that this is the last year they will set up. I guess all the members are over 80. The Mall also had Santa greeting all the kids. After the Mall I walked home.

Nancy had several large packages that had to be mailed so I loaded up the C2 and headed to the PO. After the PO I stopped by Scott Engineering to give some money for their "Adopt a Family" program. I talked to all the folks and was glad to hear that they have work going into the new year. I think the folks in Lansing will finally get some money for the highway agencies. I am an optimist.

For dinner we ate at Panera Bread. The place was crowded but we did not have to wait. We have enjoyed the food at Panera and it is one our favorite places when I don't require a beer. We spent the rest of the evening reading the GRP and watching some TV. At 2100 we headed upstairs.

I finally figured out how to get Word to work with the blog. It saves me time because I don't have to use my 1956 Websters.

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