Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday January 4, 2012

We're back! Yes folks Bob and Nancy spent the week between Christmas and New Years on the Island of Aruba. Aruba is located at North Latitude 12⁰30' and is about 20 miles off the coast of Venezuela. They have 12 hours of daylight almost year round. The temperature was in the low 80s. We did have several showers but they only lasted about 10 minutes at the most. Every day I swam 1 hour in the warm Caribbean, 80⁰. I also walked on the beach each day for also a hour. I had to be careful of the hot sun. I wore a swim cap and a long sleeve shirt while swimming. I also used a lot of sun screen. Dr Mary would be proud. The island is 18 miles long and 6 miles wide. We stayed in Nancy sister's, Peg, time share. Food was very expensive so we purchased our breakfast and lunch at the local supermarket. We ate in restaurants every evening. We found three very good restaurants that had great food, especially the fish.

The island has a good bus line so we were able to easily get around. I was surprised at the number of large families that were spending Christmas or New Years on the island. I think Grandpa was paying. There were also a lot of South Americans enjoying the sun and beach.

Nancy got a great tan. On New Year's Eve all the large resorts had fireworks. Nancy and I welcomed the New Year watching fireworks on the beach. We traveled on Christmas and New Year's day. On our trip back we were upgraded to first class. (the only way to travel).

The only hitch we had was an hour delay on our trip from Chicago to GR. We got home at 0200 Monday. We had about 3 inches of snow on the ground. We slept in on Monday and then before heading to Meijer's I shoveled the drive and walks. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I did take a nap and went on a short walk. We watched the MSU game. It was a great game. I like the West Mi connection, Cousins to Nichols.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012: I thought I had set the alarm for 0600 but it did not go off so I slept in to 0700. I drove with Nancy to the MAC. After a short workout I walked to Breton Village Mall. I bought a coffee and sat in the Mall and read the papers. The WSJ had a lot of predictions on what the economy will be doing in 2012. I did not waste my time reading the predictions because they are always wrong. After the papers I walked home. In the afternoon I got the bike out and pedaled to Gaslight Village to change a year's collection of coins to paper money, $153. The studded tires I have on the AT seem to work real good in the snow. We had a light dinner and then watched NCIS and the UM game. I was very tired so I only watched the first half. I guess I missed a lot of action.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012: Today is my easy day so about 0700 I got out the AT and pedaled to Bill's for their breakfast special. After I got home I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I stopped at the bike shop on Fulton and got my bike's odometer zeroed out. I want to see if I can get 3,000 miles on the AT in 12. My turn signal was not working so I stopped at the Chevy garage and got it fixed. I then stopped at Meijer's and bought some supplies. Finally I bought a high visibility jacket for my bike rides. One cannot be too careful, especially on dark winter mornings. Tonight after a light dinner we will watch some TV and read the GRP. It feels good to be back to normal. I got my 30 in today did you?

I just checked my letters home from Midway Island. On Christmas Eve, 1961 I wrote home. I wrote my Aunt and Grandmother. I must have been lonely. I mentioned that on Christmas Eve I was attending a cocktail party at the O club. For Christmas dinner I was invited to dine with my boss.

A week ago I stood my first "Officer of the Day watch" (OOD). I told Mom everything was going ok until 2300 when a fight broke out in the Enlisted Men's Club. I had the Shore Patrol bring in seven sailors. We were going to put them in the drunk tank in the brig but we could not because the brig was full. A day in the life of Ensign Scott, USN.

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