Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday January 7, 2012

I did not set the alarm so I did not get up until 0700. Nancy has a bad cold so she stayed in bed and did not go to the MAC. I had to mail a package today so I thought I would stop at the post office on my way to Bill's. I got to the post office at 0815 and found out it did not open until 0900. So instead of going to Bill's I headed to the Brandywine. The Brandywine was empty when I arrived but when I left at 0915 all the tables were full. I headed to the PO and mailed my package. I then headed down Wealthy Street to Reeds Lake. I pedaled around Reeds Lake twice. I put 14 miles on the AT. The snow tires are great but they make the bike harder to pedal. I really worked up at sweat and took a shower as soon as I got home. Our great weather continues. It was bright and sunny on my bike ride. The path around Reeds Lake was full of walkers and joggers. I also saw a lot of bikers.

I spent some time printing a set of plans. I used my old printer that is capable of printing 11"x17" sheets. While printing I caught up on my reading. I get too many magazines. The Ottawa Hills Library called and said they had Nancy's book. I walked over to the library and picked up the book. I am starting to give my office its annual cleaning. I brought up a small ladder and have started dusting the high spots. I stopped my cleaning and took a nap. I must get plenty of rest because I do not want Nancy's cold.

Tonight I will fix myself a chicken sandwich. We bought a Costco chicken last night and I still have a lot left. I plan on watching the Lions game tonight. I went to bed after the first half. I am coming down with Nancy's cold.

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