Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday January 25, 2012

Wednesday morning and I get up at 0600 in order to get to 0700 Breakfast Club. This morning's meeting was well attended. The speaker spoke about a women's home for women with additive and alcohol problems. I was surprised at the number of questions asked. I think the average age of BC members is 80 but most seem involved in the community. About half the members that sit at my table volunteer time at God's Kitchen or similar organizations. Of the eight folks at the table only one goes to warmer climes during the winter and that is only for a month.
After BC I head to Meijer's to get my prescription. I looked at Meijer's for Brasso but they did not have any. I ended up at Rylee's and they had the Brasso. When I got home I grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. The papers had a lot of articles about the President's speech last night. I thought is was pure politics.
Nancy has to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I take a quick nap and then got out the can of Brasso and started polishing the brass table. I spent about an hour polishing the table. Nancy left the Gardens early this afternoon and she helped me finish polishing. The table looks great. I would not want to work as a brass polisher. I took a 2.25 mile walk to end the afternoon.
We had a light dinner and then watched the news and read the GRP. The weather was gloomy today with temperatures above freezing. I wish the weather would go into a deep freeze. I hate the up and down temperatures. I am feeling a cold coming on so I am heading to bed even if it is only 2046.

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