Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday January 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Missy!! I remember the day of Missy's birth like it was yesterday. We were living in Ann Arbor and Nancy was several weeks overdue. We tried several things to move things along including riding on some rough roads to shake her loose. It was early on a cold winters morning (Sunday). Nancy said Bob we got to get to the hospital fast. So we grabbed her bag which had been ready for weeks and headed to St Joseph Hospital. We were half way to the hospital when the wipers quit working. I had to stop the car and clean the window. Nancy kept telling me to hurry. We got to the hospital and Nancy was whisked away. I parked the car and headed to the maternity ward. I just got a magazine when the nurse came in and said it was a girl. The next day I passed out cigars in one of my classes. We all sat around smoking cigars while listening to the lecture. The Instructor also smoked a cigar. I also have vivid memories of Debbie, Sequoia Hospital, and Steve at Blodgett. Some things a man doesn't forget.

The alarm went off at 0630. Nancy got up but I stayed in bed until 0800. We had some snow so I cleaned the walks and then started out for breakfast. I had planned on eating at the Amway and then go to the Auto Show. However, it was snowing so hard that by the time I got to the Kava House I was covered with snow. I stopped at the Kava House and had coffee and a scone. Just as I was finishing the papers Nancy came in so I bought her a coffee and scone. I also had another scone.
The sun was out as I walked home. I finished shoveling and then headed upstairs to the office. I played with my family tree software and tried to find some data on the Scott's in Ontario. Not much luck. At 1530 we got in the Taurus and headed to the movie theater. We saw "The Descendent" with George Clooney. It was ok.

After the movie we came home and Nancy fixed soup and a sandwich. We had several bottles of wine left over from the TGIF so we finished several. We watched some TV. Nancy was very tired so she went to bed at 2100. I stayed up and watched another George Clooney movie, O' Brother Where Art Thou. I love the music in this movie. I headed to bed at 2300.

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