Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday January 20, 2012

Our schedules are changed today so I slept in until 0715. I did most of my exercises at home today. Nancy has a 0845 Doctor's appointment. After a quick shower I got in the C2 and headed to the Kava House to get a cup of coffee. I brought the coffee home and sat in the living and read my papers. Nancy got home at 0930. At 1000 we got in the Taurus and I dropped Nancy off at Jackie Hartman's house. Nancy and Jackie are going on a buying trip for the Hospital Gift Shop. They will drive to Kalamazoo to catch the train to Chicago. They will be home late Sunday.
After dropping Nancy off I stopped by the MAC to do some more exercises and run 1.5 miles on the track. I got home about 1230. It is very cold today. The temperature was in single digits at 0800. Tonight I will walk over to Olga's for a sandwich.

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