Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday January 12, 2012

I slept in this morning. I did my at home routine and showered and got ready for my 0930 Doctor Sprik appointment. Dr Sprik is my nose and ear doctor. I arrived at the Doctor's office and was surprised to see the waiting room was empty. And I had to wait 5 weeks for an appointment! Anyway the Doctor gave me a prescription for my swimmer's ear. He also checked my nose. I mentioned that in May I had gone to Emergency because of being dizzy. The Emergency room Doctor said I had a sinus infection and he gave me some medicine that cleared up the problem in days. Doctor Sprik said "let's look at the cat scan". I was amazed that he was able to pull up my scan in seconds and review the scan. He said it was a bad sinus infection and the Emergency room Doctor made a correct diagnosis. I was very impressed with the technology.

After the Doctor I headed to the MAC for my Thursday swim. I then headed to Breton Village and bought a coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. I spent the afternoon checking plans. At 1715 Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Nancy had French onion soup and I had the French dip sandwich. We got home in time for the 1830 news. At 1900 I fell asleep in my recliner. I slept for any hour. We watched "A Person of Interest". At 2200 we headed to bed. We have had a winter storm warning since 1600. At 2200 it started to snow. Tomorrow we will have to shovel.

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