Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday January 8, 2012

I got up this morning with the alarm, 0659. My cold got worse overnight so on the advice of Nancy I did not go swimming. I did go to the MAC and paid our bill and put next week's clothes in my locker. I then headed to the Kava House to get Nancy and Bob there morning coffee and scone. It is going to be another bright sunny day with temperatures in the 40s. I did my laundry this morning.
After coffee and the morning paper I headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I finished my book, Jack Reacher #1, and slept for a hour. I am now reading a book about Magellan's trip around the world. It took three years. Now it can be done in days.
Nancy said she is feeling better. She is now in bed resting. I spent most of the afternoon finishing my annual cleaning of my office. I can now start the new year with a clean office.
Tonight I am going to fix a TV dinner and watch 60 minutes. I hope to be in bed by 2030. I want to get rid of this cold.
Midway Island: January 6, 1962. 50 years ago today I wrote a letter to my Dad. This is unusual because I never write my Dad. I told Dad what I was doing and if he had any information about running a transportation department. I also asked him to get me Mother's dimensions so I can get a suit made in Hong Kong. The US Navy has an arrangement with the British Navy to use local Hong Kong tailors to get clothes made. In 1962 Hong Kong was a British colony. I cannot recall if I ever got Mother a suit.

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