Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday January 6, 2012

It was 42⁰ when I got up at 0616. We are having a warm spell (January thaw?). I did most of my exercises at home and when I left for the MAC was sun was just coming up. Most of the snow and ice is gone so the bike ride was very easy. I got done early and was at the Kava House at 1100. The City of Detroit continues to try and solve their money problems. If they cannot come to grips with this problem the State of MI will have to appoint a financial manager.

Nancy was still under the weather this morning so she did not go to the MAC. She has a bad cold. Nancy did go to a luncheon this afternoon. Nancy told me that Lucas and Alessandra skyped her this morning. They are in Douglas Arizona visiting their grandmother.

After a quick lunch I headed to Comcast to get a new remote. I got it programmed correctly but the volume is still not right. After the luncheon Nancy headed to Costco. She is getting a chicken for dinner tonight. We are spending a quiet evening at home.

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