Friday, January 6, 2012

Thursday January 5, 2012

Today the alarm did go off and I got up right at 0616. I am changing my schedule for the rest of the winter. I now do most of my routine at home including the rowing. I want to ride my bike through the winter but I don't want to ride when it is pitch black. The only downside to doing most of the workout at home is that I have to take a quick shower. Today I left about 0745 and it was just starting to get light. It was light enough so I could see the icy patches. The studded snow tires on the bike work great. I drove over icy patches with no problem. At the MAC today I did my run and also swam.

When I left the MAC the sun was out and the temperature had climbed to the high 30s. I read the WSJ and DFP. I did not get home until 1300. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to do some work. My first project was to try and get closed captioning on our TV. I checked online and followed the procedure to the letter. I have concluded that our Maxent TV does not have closed captioning. I went to Comcast several weeks ago and got a new remote. The new remote does not allow for volume control. I played for about 30' trying to get the volume control on the remote. No luck I have concluded that the remote is defective. Tomorrow I will get a new one.

Nancy and I are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner tonight. We watched some TV and read the GRP. Did you know that starting in February we will get the GRP only on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday? Nancy was feeling under the weather so she headed upstairs at 2100. How did the saying "under the weather" start?

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