Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday January 27, 2012

Today is a busy day for Bob and Nancy. We get up at 0620 and start our day. I pedaled to the MAC. After a quick MAC workout I pedal to the Kava House. I read the papers and had my coffee. The WSJ has had several articles on Right-to-Work laws and how Indiana is about to adopt one. I really am glad that our Governor is not pushing this legislation because I don't think it is that important to the health of a state's economy. Speaking of our great state it is good to hear that the legislature might pass a new gas tax. It is important to stop the rapid deterioration of our transportation infrastructure.
Speaking of infrastructure the collapse of a 20 story building in Brazil is scary. It looks like a design problem. I always read any article about the situation in Syria. Syria is an example of folks holding on to power too long. I am glad our president can only serve 8 years.
When I got home I started getting things ready for our neighborhood party tonight. We have no idea how many people will show up. The last time we had it we had 50. Kim our cleaning lady came today so the house looks good. Nancy has taken care of all the fine details. She says we are ready.
At 1700 I headed to D&W and got a 6 pack and a 20# package of ice. The first quests arrived early at 1800. We had about 30 folks attend the TGIF. They all brought food so to be polite I sampled all the offerings. The party was suppose to end at 2130 but the last folks did not leave until 2200. I hope a good time was had by all. We were surprised that no one spilled wine or food on the carpet. We had the house cleaned up in less than 30 minutes. Another jewel in Nancy's crown.

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