Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday January 23, 2011

We have been having some weird weather lately. About 0300 this morning we had a thunder storm pass through. We got quite a bit of rain from this event. We did not set any alarms because Nancy was so tired. I got up at 0630. I got Nancy her coffee and then she got up and headed to the MAC. When I got ready to go to the MAC I decided to take the C2 because it was so dark and gloomy. It was a good decision because when I left the MAC it was pouring rain. My oil change sticker said I should get to the Chevy dealer. While waiting for the work to get done I walked around the showroom. Did you know that you can buy a 550 horsepower Camaro for only $55,000? Who needs 550 horsepower. A Corvette would be cheaper.
After the oil change I headed to the Kava House. I put my $0.25 in the meter and started reading the papers. I did not finish because I only had an hour on the meter. I cannot read any faster.
Today is a dark gloomy day. If it quits raining I might go for a walk. If it is still raining at 1630 I will not walk. Missing my 30 minutes outside for one day will not kill me, will it?
I did go for a walk at 1630. I walked over to the PO to mail some letters. It started to drizzle on my way home and the temperature started to drop. The weather man said we should expect icy roads tomorrow. Nancy and I are now drinking a glass of wine. Not much on TV tonight so I will continue reading my book on the voyage of Magellan.

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