Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday January 31, 2012

Good grief it was 40⁰ at 0700 this morning. I want winter not this up and down. After my morning at-home routine I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. The roads were ok but the sidewalks required some heavy pedaling. It took me about 2 minutes longer today because of the snow on the sidewalks. Today is my tri day and I rowed for 15', ran 1.5 miles in 15'30" and swam 800 yards in 26'.

I had many layers on and on my ride to the Kava House I worked up a sweat. Who works up a sweat riding a bike on Jan 31. It was really tough riding through the snow on the sidewalks in EGR. Today is free refill day at the KH. I buy a smaller (cheaper) cup and have it refilled several times. The WSJ is still worried about the problems in Europe. They are also promoting the KL pipeline and the benefits of this line to the US economy. The DFP had an article on how the City of Detroit is trying to solve its money problems. The mayor and council each have their own idea on what is needed. No one in Detroit wants the Gov to appoint a financial manager. I really think they are serious about solving their problem. The unions are being very difficult about making adjustments.

On my ride home I noted that the streets were all free of snow. We had running water everywhere. The big melt might create some flooding problems. I worked (actually fiddled around) in the office this afternoon. I even took a short nap.

Tonight I will finish the beans and rice. We will watch the news and read the GRP. I will watch NCIS before retiring.

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