Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday January 20, 2012

The alarm goes off at 0616 and I get up because since 0400 we have had 5" of snow. Our first chore is to get the drive and walk shoveled. Luckily the snow is light and fluffy so we are done in less than 30 minutes. Of course we were the first walk in the block to be cleared.
I drove the C2 to the MAC today. It being Thursday I did my tri. Today I wore my super-duper lap counter/stopwatch. I wear the counter on my finger and use my thumb to register a lap. It works great. It was about 19⁰ when I drove home. When I got home I grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. I had to speed read the papers because I was behind schedule. On my walk home I noted that the new brewery on Lake Drive was close to opening.
After a quick lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and ran some errands. Our first stop was GR Lighting to buy a special bulb for my bathroom fan/light. Next we stopped at Costco. We bought vitamins, eye drops, rolls and beer. I bought some Guinness Beer. Costco sells the beer in 15oz cans and a package has 18 cans. We got home about 1500. I changed the light bulbs and the fixture has two bulb but I could only get one to work. I called my crack electrician, Phil, and he will stop by in the near future to check things out. The fixture has given us some problems in the past. We got a free replacement several years ago.
Nancy and I went to GL Shipping for dinner. I had the prime rib sandwich and Nancy had the "Cargo Special". Both our meals were great. We got home in time for the news except I fell asleep. I did watch a "Person of Interest". We headed upstairs at 2200.

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