Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday January 10, 2012

The alarm goes off at 0606 and I get right up. I am feeling much better this morning. I do the home routine at 50% and then pedal to the MAC. It is another sunny, warm day in January. I swam only 500 yards this morning. I ended up the morning at the Kava House. I was just getting settled when who walks in the Kava House, Dave Huyser. Dave was a teacher at Ottawa Elementary for many years and had all three kids. Dave just retired this year and now he is fixing up houses. Dave is also a neighbor to a young civil engineer who use to work for me, Greg Lamberg. Dave told me that Greg took a 12 month assignment in Afghanistan. Oh the things you learn at the coffee shop.

The WSJ had a very interesting article on non-taxable corporations. It appears that 69% of corporations are structured so they pay no federal taxes on profits. Of course the profits are taxed when investors receive a dividend or bonus. One of the world's largest construction companies, Bechtel, is an example. Our tax code needs a major overhaul. One idea I like is a corporate tax of 2% on a company's gross receipts.

I had a quick lunch and then took a quick nap. Nancy is also feeling much better today. Right now, 1602, I am waiting for an email from the City of GR with the agenda for tomorrows GRBA meeting.

Nancy is fixing pork chops for dinner tonight. We will watch the new, NCIS and read the GRP before heading to bed. We hope a good night's sleep will eliminate any remnants of our colds.

Today is the New Hampshire primary. Did you know that a member of the Sanborn family gave the town of Hampton, NH its name. It was around 1645.

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