Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday January 17, 2012

I have been very busy lately and I am now catching up on my blog. Let us start with Saturday January 14. Nancy and I got up at 0630 and we headed outside to shovel snow. The snow was very heavy and I could not use my super-wide shovel. After the walk was cleared I walked to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had pancake and eggs. When I got home I had to shovel the walk again.
I spent most of the afternoon reviewing bridge plans. At 1500 I went outside and shoveled the walk and salted the driveway. At 1600 I showered and shaved. Tonight Nancy and I are going to dinner with the Ed and Mary Namey. We had dinner at the old Gibson's. I had the white fish and it was very good. After dinner we came back to our house for ice cream, cookies and conversation. (the three Cs)
Sunday January 15, 2012 today is Debbie's birthday. Debbie is in Asia somewhere and we were not able to contact her. Happy Birthday Deb where ever you are. Nancy and I got in the MAC's pool at 0800. We still have our colds so we did not swim our normal routine. I swam 1,200 yards instead of 1,500. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's to get our weekly supplies. I purchased gas and it was $3.66 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. The scrambled eggs were especially good. I took my normal Sunday nap. After the nap I took a 2.25 mile walk. I did watch some football this afternoon. I also continued reviewing bridge plans.
Nancy fixed hamburgers for dinner tonight. After dinner we watched 60 minutes and headed to bed about 2130.
Monday January 16, 2012 and we had no snow to shovel. I rode my bike to the MAC. The studded snow tires really help when I have to pedal through ice and snow. I stopped at Breton Village to have my coffee and read the papers. After lunch I finished checking the bridge plans. Following our normal Monday routine we had cereal for dinner. I broke out a bottle of wine (red 2 buck Chuck) and had 2 glasses. We watched some TV and I read an article in Vanity Fair on John Corzine and how he destroyed MF Global. We were upstairs by 2130.

Tuesday January 17 and it was raining this morning. Instead of riding my bike I rode with Nancy to the MAC. Tuesday is my tri day so I rowed, ran and swam. After the MAC I walked over to Breton Village for my coffee and papers. It was raining/snowing when I left Breton Village. I got wet so I changed clothes when I got home. I shoveled the walk and drive. We had about 1/2" of slush on the concrete. I wanted to move it before it froze. Tonight we are going to a Caribbean restaurant in Eastown. Nancy bought a coupon on Groupon and it expires tomorrow. After dinner I will come home and watch NCIS and the UM/MSU game. Nancy has a 1930 GRNA Board meeting.

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