Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday January 24, 2012

Today is my 1,185th blog. I slept in until 0630 this morning. After getting Nancy her coffee I went outside and salted the driveway. We had a thin coat of ice over the drive. Because of the weather I drove to the MAC. Today is my tri day. For my run instead of running 1.5 miles I decided to try something new. I ran 1/2 of a lap (1/12 of a mile) full blast and then walked the other half. If I had been able to keep up the same pace for the full 1.5 miles I would have averaged 7'12" per mile. When I run the full 1.5 miles my pace is 10'30" per mile. I also went swimming this morning. I swam 800 yards.
After the MAC I headed for the Kava House. The DFP had an article on the Highland Park school system and how it is nearly bankrupt. Their student population has decreased about 50% in the last decade. They have not adjusted their costs to reflect the changes. Mitt Romney is right. Sometimes it is necessary to fire people. Highland Park is a perfect example.
After a quick lunch I had to run several errands. First I headed to Meijer's to get a prescription filled. At GR Lighting I purchase a new bulb for our backroom ceiling fixture. I stopped at the Ford Dealer to ask why we have a warning light saying that our oil has 5% remaining life. The mechanic said that they forgot to reset the warning light when I got the oil changed several weeks ago. Finally I got the Taurus washed.
After all this running around I thought I needed a nap so I laid down for 30 minutes. It is now 1715 and I am going on a 30 minutes walk. I indeed went on a walk. I was surprised at how icy the sidewalks were. I walked in the street.
Tonight we will watch NCIS and then probably the President. I think tonight's speech will kick off the start of the silly season. Stand by for some nasty TV adds.

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