Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th and we finally got some snow. Nancy and I had to shovel and the snow was wet and heavy. We got about 5". After shoveling Nancy headed to the MAC and I stayed home and did all my exercises at home. After a quick breakfast I walked to the Kava House for my morning coffee. The DFP had several articles about the jailing of the owner of the Ambassador Bridge. He has failed to live up to his contract with MDOT. I think the judge should have done it earlier. I am getting tired of reading about the crisis in Europe and Bain Capital.

I walked home and on my way I stopped at a new running store in the old Blockbusters. They have a good selection of running shoes. I hope they make it. I also stopped at a micro brewery that is under construction on Lake Drive across from the BP station. They guaranteed me that they will be open by the end of January.

When I got home I again shoveled the drive and walk. After lunch I headed upstairs and continued reviewing bridge plans. About 1700 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Russ's for dinner. Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup and I had a hot turkey sandwich. We got home in time to watch the national news. I read an article in Vanity Fair on John Corzine and how he destroyed MF Global. Once again I am always amazed at how dumb smart people are. I headed to bed at 2200.

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