Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday January 18, 2012

Wednesday and today is my easy day. I did have to shovel this morning but it was only a light dusting. I walked to the Brandywine for breakfast. I was surprised at how busy the place was for a week day. Today's WSJ had an article about Flint and how the city actually wanted a financial manager. Flint has major problems among them the loss of factory jobs. GM at one time employed 80,000 folks and now only 8,000. The population has decreased by at least 40%. I mention the financial manager because yesterday a group of folks had a rally against Michigan's financial manager law. The Rev Al Sharpton was a leader of the rally. I think our Governor agrees that using a FM should be a last resort. Is bankruptcy a better solution? The City of Detroit is trying to avoid a FM but they must make some drastic cuts.
In 1965 when Nancy and I were dating, Nancy lived in Flint. It was a boom town and they expected to pass GR as the State's second largest city in 1970. It never happed and today Flint is a ghost town. Good ole conservative GR is still a viable city.
When I got home I headed to the office and actually reviewed some old beam designs to see if I still understood the design procedure. I am happy to announce that I still have it. Speaking of design engineering I got a call today from an old neighbor, Tom Pritz. Tom needed some advice because he is selling his home and he has to do some basement repairs before the sale is final. I gave Tom the name of an architect who could help him. Tom now lives is Fl near his daughter. Tom is in his mid 80s but he sounded strong.
At 1600 I decided I needed a walk so I walked over the Gas Light Village. I got $50 of dollar coins at the bank and a beer at D&W. The wind was very brisk and I wished I had a scarf to put over my nose.
Last night I watched the UM/MSU BB game. It was exciting. UM has now won three games in a row over MSU. Did you know that in my years on UM campus I only saw 1 BB game. Engineers had to study.
Not much on TV tonight so I think I will rearrange my office. Change is good. I got my 30 in today did you?

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