Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday January 22, 2012

Sunday morning and for the first time in a long time Nancy is not joining me in a swim. She is still in Chicago on a buying trip. Today for the first time I wore my lap counter/stopwatch. The watch is very small and fits on my finger. It does not impede my stroke. Today I swam 1500 yards. After the swim I headed to the Omelet Shop for a bowl of oatmeal.
I have not driven my C2 on the freeway since October. I got on I 196 and drove to Holland. I put 50 miles on the car. I also filled the C2 up and gas was $3.57.
I took my Sunday afternoon nap but I was up in time to watch the NE/Balt football game. I really did not have a favorite in this game. It was an exciting game. After the game I walked over to Gas Light Village to buy another sub for dinner. I ate the sub in the backroom and watched the SF/NY game. I wanted SF to win. During halftime Nancy called and said she was just getting into GR and would I pick her up at Jackie's house. I got in the Taurus and got to Jackie's just as Nancy was pulling into the driveway. We loaded up her bag and headed home. Nancy said her buying trip was successful.
Nancy was very tired so she headed to bed at 2100. I stayed up and watched the end of the game. It was a barn burner folks.

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