Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday July 30, 2011

Everyone was up early today. It is a nice summer's day. About 0810, AJ, Zoe, Missy and I head out for Saugatuck. Ms P has a morning beauty appointment so Nancy elected to stay home. We were early enough getting to Saugatuck so a parking space was found without too much difficulty. Our first stop was the Pumpernickel for breakfast. The restaurant was getting crowded when we arrived. We got the last big table and when we left the line to get in was out on the sidewalk.

We walked around downtown and then we walked along the quay to get a look at all the boats in the harbor. All the docking spots were full. Saugatuck was having an Arts and Craft Fair so Missy and Zoe walked around while AJ and I played on the toys in the park.

We got home just in time for me to go and pickup Ms P from the beauty shop. Nancy, Zoe and AJ in the meantime headed to Meijer's Garden. I dropped Ms P off and then went on a 15 mile bike trip.

Missy has her 25th OHHS reunion tonight at the Amway. She left about 1730. The rest of us got in the Taurus and headed to Olga's for dinner. We sat outside. After dinner we stopped by Woodland Mall so Zoe and Nancy could look at shoes. We got home about 2030.

Nancy went to bed early but I stayed up and watched Kelly's Heros and Blazing Saddles. I have seen both movies many times. I finally head to bed about 2330.

Missy got home a little after midnight. She said she had a great time at the reunion.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday July 29, 2011

The weatherman is predicting another hot sunny day. I got a slow start but completed the at-home routine without a hitch. On my ride to the MAC I noted that my rear tire was getting soft. I ended my MAC routine with a 250 yard swim. I have been practicing my breast stroke. This stroke is easier on my shoulder joint.

I could tell I had a serious slow tire leak on my ride to the Kava House. I sat outside at the Kava House and read the WSJ and DFP. Greece and the US debt problems seem to dominate the news.

After a quick lunch I head outside to replace my rear tire. I used my car's bike carrier as a repair stand. The rear tire is harder to repair because I have to take off the coaster brake retainer, the chain and 5 speed hub attachments. I did get it all done without too much trouble. I checked the inside of the tire and found a small metal wire. I used pliers to pull the wire out. I think the wire might have come from an imperfection in the tire. I did get the tire back on the bike. I checked the tube for a leak and I found a very small pin hole in the tube. I test drove the bike and everything worked fine.

Missy and AJ arrived in GR about 1800. Missy has a French exchange student staying with her for several weeks. She accompanied Missy. Her name is Zoƫ. Nancy cooked hamburgs on the grill for dinner. We also had a pasta salad and corn-on-the-cob.

After dinner I took Zoe, AJ and Missy to Jersey Junction for an ice cream cone. The place was jammed. What is more American than an ice cream cone on a warm summer's night? We were all in bed by 2200.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday July 28, 2011

It rained hard most of the night. Ms P just could not settle down. I went in the twin bed room and closed the door and turned the radio on. I also left the light on and this seemed to settle her down. Ms P and I did not get up until 0615.

We had over 3 inches of rain in the past 24 hours. This is about a 1 in 50 year storm. Today I decreased the tension on the Concept 2 rower and still I set a PB for the 4K. I did not get to the MAC until after 1000. I performed my routine and then headed to the Kava House. The humidity was very high and I really worked up a sweat. The AC was cranked up too high in the Kava House so I sat outside to read the papers. It took me an hour to read the WSJ. Why am I such a slow reader? I did read all the articles on the debt ceiling and what might happen if it is not passed. I really get mad at the news folks because they seem to think this battle in DC is the end of the world. I plan on getting out of bed on August 3.

After a quick lunch I got in Nancy's Taurus and ran some errands. I stopped at the bank to get some dollar coins. I am a one man crusade for $1 coins. Next I stopped at the Vets to see what I can give Ms P. They told me to give her some benedryl. I next stopped at Rylee's to get some house keys made. Next I headed to SCECO to pick up a large antique map of Michigan that shows all the railroad lines around 1910. It was my Dad's map and I will try and hang it downstairs. In fact I might clean out the basement so I can hang some family pictures. While at the office we talked about last night's rain. Robert, a young engineer, said that his rain gauge in Coopersville had 6". We checked some charts and found that this is about a 1 in 100 year storm. My last stop was at Walgreen to get some pills for Ms P.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I started watching the Evening News and I fell asleep. I slept for about 45 minutes. We are expecting more thunder storms tonight so I gave Ms P a pill. I will report on how it worked tomorrow.

Wednesday July 27, 2011

Today is Breakfast Club so I get up at 0555. I dilly-dally around the house and barely made it to Breakfast Club by its 0700 start time. The breakfast today was especially good. In addition to scrambled eggs we had biscuits and gravy and a yogurt parfait. The biscuits and gravy was really good and nearly all members had a generous portion. The speaker today gave a great talk on the competition between rehabilitation hospitals. It was a David and Goliath story.

After Breakfast Club I stopped at the Kava House to read the WSJ and DFP. I was going to go kayaking but it looked like rain. At 1100 I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. I swam about 30 minutes. It started to rain on my way home. It rained all afternoon and so I had to opportunity to catch up on some reading. It was a great afternoon.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. We had cereal for dinner. We had a break in the rain about 1900 so I took Ms P around the block. After reading the paper I again started walking around the block when the rain resumed. We headed upstairs about 2100. Ms P went bonkers when it started thundering and lightning about 2300. Tomorrow I will see about getting some pills to settle her down

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday July 26, 2011

The windows were open last night for the first time in a week. We have had a break-in in the neighborhood last weekend. When Ms P started barking at 0200 I headed downstairs to see if there were any prowlers. I saw nothing.

After my morning routine I had a quick breakfast. This morning instead of going to the MAC I will ride my bike to Ada. I headed out at 0945. It is a 19 mile round trip. I stopped at an empty Kava House to read the papers and enjoy a coffee. I got home at 1330.

Except for walking Ms P around the block I spent the afternoon upstairs in the office. I spent some time catching up on the blogs and also cleaning my in basket. Nancy said she is fixing pig for dinner. We will watch NCIS and read the papers before retiring. I have breakfast club tomorrow so I have to get to bed early.

Monday July 25, 2011

Both the temperature and humidity are going to be lower today. Nancy turned the AC off before she left for the MAC. I set a PB for the 4k row this morning. I increased the tension and it make me faster but my legs are screaming when I finish.

Speaking of screaming, my legs are always tired when I climb the hill on Sylvan between Hall and Adams. The MAC was not very crowded today. Vacation time? Monday is alway my busiest day at the MAC. It was nearly 1130 when I left.

The Kava House was also empty. I read the WSJ and DFP. I am so tired of the debt ceiling debate. Please settle on something soon! I did read several articles on the shootings in Norway. It was tragic. How prevalent are these hard cases in northern Europe?

This afternoon I spent several hours printing material, talking to City officials and just gathering more data on the street light system for tonight's OHNA Street Light meeting. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

The meeting was scheduled for 1900. Only three members showed up. I gave my little report and we decided to arrange a meeting with GR's Street Light managers.

One committee member said he liked scotch so I gave him a taste of the single malt scotch I purchased in Campbeltown, Scotland. I also had a taste. I am beginning to worry. The scotch is starting to taste good. The meeting was over at 2000.

Nancy had made cookies for tonight's meeting. We had some left over so I indulged. We were upstairs by 2100.

Sunday July 24, 2011

Today is swim day at the MAC. We were in the pool at 0800. I swam 1400 yards. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.65. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. They were good. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. It is still hot and humid and we have the AC working full blast. We have agreed on 74 as the preferred temperature setting.

After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. After a quiet dinner we watched some TV and read the Sunday GRP. We headed to bed at 2100.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday July 23, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0430 and then I slept in until 0700. It being Saturday I got on my bike and headed to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. Usually Bill's is very crowded on Saturdays but this morning it was nearly empty. I guess folks are on vacation.

Today it is finally cool enough to cut the grass. When I got home the grass was still wet from an early morning sprinkle. I started the lawn work backwards. First I trimmed and edged the lawn. This is usually a chore I do after the grass has been cut.

Today being Saturday I had plenty of time so I instead of cutting the front lawn east to west I cut it on a diagonal. I usually cut the side yard in a north-south direction so today I did east-west. Changing cutting directions was recommended by a grass expert at Meijer's Garden. After the grass cutting I took a 2 mile walk.

Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. This is the first time we have been at GLS in about a month. It was too hot to sit outside. GLS's desk has no shade. We both had the prime rib sandwich. We stopped at D&W to get some fresh fruit. We have been eating Michigan grown fruit all week. Michigan fruit is great especially when fresh. We read the GRP and watched some TV before going to bed.

Friday July 22, 2011

Friday and all this heat and humidity has wiped me out. I struggled through my exercises. Rain is heading our way but I think I can make it to the MAC without getting wet. I made it. I did get caught in a heavy shower on my way to the Kava House. So I diverted and headed home to change clothes. After a change of clothes I drove to the Kava House and had my paper and coffee.

After lunch I took my street light plan to Veenstra's to get some more copies. The OHNA street light committee is meeting at our house Monday night.

Breton Village is having their annual sidewalk sale this weekend. Nancy and I drove over to see what they had to offer. I bought two shirts at Jos Banks.

Nancy talked to both Linda Moleski and Mary Namey this afternoon. She put together a dinner meeting at Malarkeys on the East Beltline. We all met at the restaurant at 1800. Everyone had a coupon. I had the salmon and it was very good. We sat around and talked for two hours. It was a very pleasant evening.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday July 21, 2011

It was 85 at 0430 this morning. We have all kinds of Heat Warnings posted. I completed my at home routine without a problem, mainly because the house has AC. Today is my grass cutting day but because of the heat I will wait until tomorrow or Monday. The MAC was not very crowded this morning. I did run my 1.5 mile run on the MAC's inside track. It does not have AC but we are sheltered from the sun. The track runs around the indoor tennis courts. Normally there are six or seven courts that are busy. This morning there was only one.

When I finished my routine I checked the swimming pool and saw that it was nearly empty. I jumped in and swam 500 yards. I told Nancy I did a TRI today. I swam, biked and ran. In addition I also rowed.

I wore shorts and a short sleeve tee but I was drenched when I got to the Kava House. They had the AC cranked up to a very unhealthy temperature so I sat outside and read my papers. I was half through the WSj when my phone goes off. It was Nancy telling me that the sprinkler man had arrived to fix our backflow preventer. He was suppose to come at 1500. I jumped on the bike and hurried home. It did not take him long to fix the problem.

I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to finish reading the morning papers. I also took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are going to the White Caps game. We are leaving at 1730 for a Pre-game Barbeque. This is an annual event sponsored by SCECO.

As I was cleaning the garage last Saturday I came across a pair of calk boots. These are the boots with nails in the bottom. They are used by folks working in the lumbering industry to walk on fallen trees. I purchased these boots 55 years ago when I was working for a logging company outside of Riddle, OR. It was my first job away from Alpena, MI. We worked six days a week and made $2 per hour. I slept outside all summer. We did not need a tent because it did not rain a drop all summer and there were no bugs. It was a great experience for a kid just out of AHS.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday July 19, 2011

The weatherman said it would be very hot and humid all day. Today is my easy day and I really wanted to go kayaking. This morning as I rode my bike to Bill's I thought the weatherman was wrong. It was overcast and not real hot. In fact I thought it was bearable. I had Bill's pancake special.

When I got home I thought we might get some rain so I wanted to stay close to home. I loaded up and headed for Reeds Lake. If it does rain I can bail out of Reeds Lake with little damage. It started to rain about 40 minutes into my paddle. It rained for about 40 seconds and then stopped. The sun came out and the temperature climbed about 15 degrees in 10 minutes. I paddled about 6 miles.

It was over 90 when I got home. I had a quick lunch and then did some computer work. I also took a short nap. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home early, 1600, because most folks did not want to go out in the heat. At 1700 I took a 2.25 mile walk.

Tonight I had cereal for dinner. We watched some TV and about 2030 I took Ms P around the block. It is now 2150 and as soon as I finish this blog I am heading to bed. Remember even in summer you must get your 30 in.

Tuesday July 19, 2011

It was in the 80s at 0500 this morning. I got a call about 0830 from Tom Grumbine about a bridge beam problem he has. We talked for about 40 minutes. I have never had a short talk with Tom. I hope I gave him some good advice.

I rode my bike to the MAC and really worked up a sweat. The MAC is air conditioned so I had no problem working out. The running track, however, is not air conditioned and I really was uncomfortable. In order to cool off I jumped in the pool and swam 500 yards. They had the AC at the Kava House jacked up too high so I sat outside. It was windy and I was glad I had the Kindle because I did not have to fight blowing papers. Score another one for the Kindle.

I did not get home until 1400. I had a quick lunch and then started running some errands. I paid my bills for my Emergency Room visit. I was surprised at how much my insurance paid. Did you know a CT scan cost over $1800? I stopped by the office to pick up tickets for Thursday's White Caps game. Of course I also talked to all the folks. I next stopped at the ATM machine to get some walking around money. I also stopped at D&W to get a case of Bud (cans). I am back drinking Bud after my AHS reunion. Bud, not Bud Light, is the preferred beer of my classmates. Also a can of Bud is $0.72 versus a bottle of Oberion at $1.25.

Nancy worked at the Tuesday night concert at the Gardens. She sat in an AC room selling tickets. I did not have to work so I stayed home with Ms P. Ms P and I walked around the block about 1900 and the temperature was in the 90s. Ms P does not like these hot, humid days. I really don't mind the weather.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday July 18, 2011

Today is Steve's 38th birthday. I can remember vividly the day he was born. In fact I can remember vividly the birth of Debbie and Missy. Happy Birthday Steve!

It was 80 when I took Ms P out at 0500. Today for the first time in ages I wore a short sleeve Tee. I performed my morning routine at a very relaxed pace.

After lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. It was too hot to take Ms P. We purchased peanut butter, Kleenex, round thin sandwich bread and old folks vitamins.

At 1630 we again got in the Taurus and headed to Saugatuck. We had a "Living Social" coupon for a new restaurant called Chequers. It has a British Pub motif. The food was good and we gave it a 3.6.

We got home in time to read the GRP before heading to bed. It was very hot and humid at 2100.

Sunday July 17, 2011

We get up at 0700 and get ready for our Sunday swim. We hit the water at 0800. We both swam for 45 minutes. After the swim we head to Meijer's. I filled up the Taurus.

Nancy fixed her world famous recipe for scrambled eggs. We also had fresh fruit and English muffins with home made strawberry jam.

I took my Sunday nap followed by a 3 mile walk. It was very hot today and I really worked up a sweat on my walk. We had a light dinner and then watched 60 minutes and read the GRP. It was an early night for Bob and Nancy.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday July 16, 2011

I just lost this blog into never-never land. I will try again.

I could not dilly-dally today because the OHNA is having their annual dumpster. I can dispose of a lot of bulky items out of the garage. I pedaled to Bill's and had their pancake special. I hurried home and loaded up the C2. I made three trips to the dumpster parked in the school parking lot. After cleaning the garage I removed all the unattached items out and then swept the garage. I think the results were good.

After all this work I said I needed a break. I loaded up the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. I paddled around the lake. It took me 65 minutes to circumnavigate the lake. It is 3.16 miles around the lake.

Nancy and I went to Cheero's for dinner. Cheero's is located in the same building as the MAC. The restaurant that use to occupy this space has been closed for about three years. Cheero's bills itself as a sushi, pizza and sports bar. Nancy and I gave it a 3.1.

We turned the AC on at 1730. The house was at 83 and I set the AC for 72. When we went to bed at 2200 the temperature had dropped to 80. Despite the heat Saturday was bright and sunny. A perfect Saturday in July.

Friday July 15, 2011

The weather man said it was going to be another great day. He was right. Instead of going to the MAC today I rode my bike to Ada. I was almost done with the ride when I got a flat tire. My front tire went flat. I was glad it was a nice day because it took a while to change the tire. I ended up at the Kava House only about 20 minutes late. I did read the newspapers and drank a cup of coffee. I am so tired of all the talk about the debt limit. I know most elected officials are not stupid but some times I wonder. I really like the WSJ and hope that they are not negatively impacted by the Murdock scandal in England. MSNBC really seems to be piling on. I think they hate the Fox Network because they get beaten in the ratings by Fox.

After lunch I ran some errands. First I headed to Grand Rapids Bike Company to get a new tube and to have my wheel checked out. I also stopped at Meijer's to get some supplies.

At 1830, Nancy and I walked over the Fred and Marcia Davison's home on Pontiac. They are hosting this month's OHNA's TGIF. The party was held in their back yard and it was a perfect evening for a party. Yes folks another nice summer day in GR.

Thursday July 14, 2011

It is going to be another warm day. Today I did a 2k row to see how I stack up with the over 70 crowd. I rowed 8'45" which was a PB for me. My time would have placed me 25th out of 64. Today is grass cutting day so I did not dilly-dally at the Kava House. I hurried through the WSJ and DFP.

After a quick lunch I started cutting the grass. I was done at 0330. I took a quick nap and then Nancy and I got ready to go to the Mary Chapin Carpenter concert. We got to the gardens about 1630 and they opened the gates at 1730. We were able to get good seats. The place was jammed. It was a great evening to have a picnic and listen to a concert. The concert ran until 2130. We went immediately to bed when we got home. Another great summer's day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday July 13, 2011

Ms P and I head outside at 0430. After Ms P does her bidness it is back to bed. I get up when the alarm goes off at 0600. Today I have Breakfast Club. I think a lot of folks are on vacation because the attendance was light. The speaker talked about the food bank he runs that services 40 counties in West MI. It was very interesting.

After Breakfast club I head to the Chevy dealer to get my car serviced. I then head home. Ms P and I walked around the block and then I check my bank accounts on the computer. At 1130 I got in the C2 and head to the MAC. Today I swam 1,000 yards.

At 1400 I attended a GRBA meeting. The agenda was very light so the meeting was over in 30 minutes. When I got home I took a short nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home about 1700 and at 1730 Nancy headed to Moleski's for Book Club. I left shortly after and headed to Fred's for pizza with Tom Moleski. On my way to Fred's I had to cross over I-196. Traffic was backed up and I wondered what the holdup was. I soon found out that people were lining the sidewalks on the bridge over I-196. They were waiting to view the motorcade carrying Betty Fords body to the Ford Museum.

After pizza I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Nancy got home at 2000. I read the GRP and then took a 1.5 mile walk. This evening was a perfect night for a walk. It is now 2150 and as soon as I publish this blog I am turning in. It has been a busy summer's day in GR.

Tuesday July 12, 2011

When Ms P and I went out at 0430 I could tell that it was going to be a warm sunny day. Instead of going to the MAC I rode my bike to Ada and then back to the Kava House, a distance of 18 miles. I read the WSJ and DFP.

After a quick lunch I ran some errands. I stopped by the OH library to get a book for Nancy. I also stopped at the Post Office to mail some bills. My final stop was the Fulton Street Mower Shop (now call the Ada Bike Shop, Fulton Hts) to pick up my mower that had been recalled.

At 1600 Nancy and I headed to Meijer's Garden to work at the concert. Every Tuesday night during the summer the Gardens have a free concert featuring local talent. Nancy and I took tickets. We worked 3 hours. I had a PB&J for dinner with an onion slice. We watched a rerun of NCIS before heading to bed.

Monday July 11,2011

It was raining hard when I started my at-home routine. I planned on driving to the MAC but as I was leaving I saw a patch of blue sky so I took the bike. It started raining hard again as I was getting ready to leave the MAC. So, I got a cup of coffee and read my newspapers at the MAC. I came straight home from the MAC.

I had one item scheduled for the afternoon. I had to take Ms P to the Vet for her rabies shot. Ms P behaved herself and the shot appeared painless. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

Monday evening I helped Nancy deliver OHNA announcement of Saturday's bulk pickup. The OHNA will provide dumpsters for all neighbors who want to get rid of bulky items. After the delivery we watched some TV and read the GRP.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday July 10, 2011

We get up at 0700 and head to the MAC for our Sunday swim. We swam 45 minutes. After the swim we head to Meijer's to get our week's supplies. I fill the Taurus up with gas. Gas was $3.79 per gallon. Today we departed from our normal routine and Nancy fixed scrambled eggs for breakfast. I did, however, take my Sunday nap.

After the nap I paid some bills and then walked over to EGR's City Hall to mail the bills. I ended up walking about 4 miles.

Nancy is grilling chicken breasts for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and then watch some TV. Like most old folks we will be in bed by 2130.

Saturday July 9, 2011

I set the alarm for 0630 so Nancy can make her early body pump class. I get on my bike and head to Bill's for breakfast. I have their "Super Breakfast". After breakfast I load up the kayak and head to Riverside Park. This is the first time in over a year that I have launched from Riverside. I spent 2.5 hours paddling around.

Nancy has a lunch date with several friends today. When I get home I take a quick shower and then take a short nap. At 1500 Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head to the Horling's cottage on Maston Lake. We took Ms P with us. The Horling's have a 60 pound Golden Retriever/Poddle mix. I was surprised that the dogs got along just fine.

The first thing I did was show off Ms P's water skills. I spent 30 minutes throwing sticks into the water. The water temperature was near 80.

Hal cooked salmon on the grill. The meal was great. The Horling's are good hosts. After dinner we took a pontoon boat ride around the lake. It was a perfect evening for a boat ride. We headed home about 2130. It was a great summer day.

Friday July 8, 2011

I still cannot use Word and internet explorer to do my blog. I am using Apple's Safari to get to the blog's template. I do not like using this method because Word has many editing features that I like. The end result is that my blogs are much shorter when I use Apple and I think I have more grammar errors.

It is another beautiful day. Instead of going to the MAC I decide to ride my bike to Ada and then back to the Kava House, a distance of 18 miles. I read both the WSJ and DFP thoroughly. The papers must be in their summer doldrums because I found no articles that I thought worth writing about.

My new lawn mower is being recalled for some safety items. I load it up into the Taurus and drop it off at the Fulton Street Mower and Bike shop. I can pick it up early next week. I also stop at Rylee's to get two drill bits so I can mount Aunt Judy's antique bell on a wood post.

I took a very quick nap. Tonight Nancy and I are working at the "Pink Martini" concert at Meijer Gardens. We arrive at 1700 and work until the concert starts at 1900. A benefit of working concerts is that we get to stay and watch for free. I had never heard of Pink Martini but they were really good. We sat near Jack and Rita Kirkwood, our old neighbors, and at intermission had the opportunity to talk to them.

Early July, 1961: US Navy OCS, Newport, RI. I have settled into a routine at OCS. There are no major surprises. In fact I am finding the classes very interesting. I especially like the Navigation and Operations classes. The instructors are beginning to treat us like real people.

Thursday July 7, 2011

Another warm sunny day is predicted. I have to hurry through my morning routine because today is grass cutting day. I did take time at the Kava House to read the WSJ and DFP. It took 3 hours to do the lawn today. I mowed and edged the entire lawn. I think it looks pretty good. I will have to change the frequency of the sprinklers because the warm days are really drying the lawn.

Tonight Meijer's Garden is having a picnic for their volunteers. Nancy is on the committee. I get her to the Gardens in time to set up. While Nancy is working I sit in the car and read the GRP. At 1730 I head inside for the picnic. Nancy estimated that they had about 300 folks at the picnic. Nobody left the picnic hungry. It was very pleasant.

We were home by 2030. I watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday July 6, 2011

Wednesday is my easy day. I get up at 0700 and pedal to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. After breakfast I head home and get ready to go kayaking. I have a tough time figuring out where to go. It was a warm sunny day. I finally decide to go to Pigeon Lake and River in Ottawa County. I put in at the DNR ramp. I paddle towards to Pigeon Lake's entrance to Lake MI. I stick my nose in the big lake but quickly turn around. My kayak is too small for the big lake. I paddle under the Lakeshore Drive bridge. It is a beautiful structure designed, no doubt, by a brilliant engineer. I paddle upstream for about 1 hour and then turn around. I spent 2.5 hours on the water. I love this time of year in MI.

When I get home I walk Ms P around the block. It is about 90 and she does not take to the heat very well. After leaving Ms P office I take a 2.25 mile walk. Nancy had to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon and she and I got home at the same time.

Today is Veronica's birthday and so Nancy and I called her in Long Beach, Ca and wished her a happy birthday. Veronica is a great Daughter-In_Law. If you want to know Veronica's age just remember last year I was twice as old as Veronica.

I had cereal and strawberries for dinner tonight. The strawberries were from Alpena and very sweet. I watched the news and then headed upstairs to get caught up on my blogs. I still cannot publish my blog using word and internet explorer. I have to use Apple's safari.

Tuesday July 5, 2011

We all slept in today. It was not until 0830 that Missy and I headed to the Kava House for coffee. Later Missy and AJ pack up and head to Cleveland. Nancy, Ms P and I are sad to see them leave.

I decide that I had better get some exercise so I get on the At and pedal to the MAC. After a short routine I head home. I took an afternoon nap and then a 3 mile walk.

Nancy and I watched a rerun of NCIS and then headed upstairs. It is about 80 but not very humid. We decide not to turn the AC on.

Monday July 4, 2011

Today is the 4th of July and that means the Hollyhock Lane Parade. We get up at 0700 and the first thing we do is head to Starbucks for coffee. At 0800 we put AJ in her stroller and head for the parade. It is only two block away. This year's parade had our US Senator Deborah Stabenow and US Rep Amash. We also had every local elected official. The parade had floats made by local kids, a neighborhood marching band and lots of decorated bikes and strollers. The speeches and raising of the flag took place in a neighbor's back yard. The back yard fronts on the back alley called Hollyhock Lane.

After the parade Nancy fixed her world famous egg dishes for breakfast. We sat outside at the picnic table. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. Nancy grilled steak for dinner. We are going to the EGR fireworks tonight. We will meet Adri and family there. At 2030 we head to EGR. We sat by the new soccer field. The fireworks started at 2200. This was AJ's first fireworks and she seemed to enjoy them. Today was my 73rd 4th of July.

Sunday July 3, 2011

Despite our late evening we were up and ready to go at 0800. We did make a slight diversion. I found out where my Great Grandfather's home was in Ossineke was located. We drove by but it was not what I remembered. It was another beautiful day. We stopped for breakfast in Fairview, the Wild Turkey capital. We got home a little after 1400. Missy, AJ and Ms P were waiting for us. Missy and AJ were having a good time in GR. Missy's college friend, Adri and her two young children, Eddie and Elie, were visiting the area from their home in Hungary. They all went swimming in a Forest Hills neighborhood pool. It was good to see Missy and AJ. We had a light dinner and Nancy and I headed to bed early.

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 2, 2011

It was a beautiful summer's day. We left the motel about 0900 and drove south along US 23. We stopped in Ossineke and had breakfast at Connie's. We then drove around looking for my Great Grandfather Sanborn's family home. I could not find it.

We turned around and headed north. We spent several hours driving around Long and Grand Lakes. We were surprised at how many cottages were for sale. The lakes look good. We stopped at Presque Isle boat harbor and walked around. There were a lot of empty slips. I think the bad economy is hitting the east side of the state harder than the west side. We topped off the drive with a quick tour around Roger City. Nancy had never been to RC. It is a very pretty lake town.

We stopped by the cemetery to look for my parents grave site. It found it in record time. The site looked well maintained. I also found my Uncle William Hughes and his family's site. I could not find my Grandmother Hughes burial site.

We went back to the motel and got ready for the evening's activities. At 1800 we headed downstairs to the reunion. There were over 100 folks in attendance. The Class of 1956 had 207 members. Fifty three members have passed. The meal and program started at 1900. The program was short and then the real reunion began. They had a disk jockey who played music from the 50s. Nancy and I danced a number of times. I had an opportunity to talk to most of my high school friends. In fact Nancy and I were among the last to leave. I really enjoyed the evening. We all said as we departed: "see you in 5 years".

Friday July 1, 2011

Today we are heading to Alpena a distance of 250 miles. We head out at 0900. We have left Ms P alone because Missy and AJ are heading to GR from Ohio. They should be in GR by 1400. We hope Ms P has not accidents.

I am feeling much better today. The traffic was heavy but not congested. We made it to Alpena in a little over 4 hours. We are staying at the Holiday Inn.

Nancy and I are meeting my good friend Tom Cassell and his new girlfriend, Marilyn at JJ's Pizza at 1800. It was good to see Tom and we spent the hour going over old times. At 1900 a reception was held in JJ's Banquet Room. I had an opportunity to talk to a lot of old classmates. The reception broke up about 2200.

It was a very good day.

Thursday June 30, 2011

I woke up feeling poorly. I had a sore throat and was generally feeling lousy. I stayed in bed most of the morning.

Since we will be gone most of the weekend I had to cut the lawn today. I started at 1400 and finished at 1700. I got done right before the rain. I had a very light dinner and headed to bed early.

Wednesday June 29, 2011

I had breakfast club in the morning. The speaker was the VP for sales for the GR Whitecaps minor league baseball team. He gave a very interesting talk. The Whitecaps have been very successful.

After breakfast club I headed home and loaded up the kayak. I headed to Lowell and put in on the backwaters of the Lowell dam. I spent 2.5 hours on the water. It was a beautiful day to be on the water.

In the afternoon I worked some more on the OHNA Street Lights and capped off the afternoon with a 2.25 mile walk.

I finished the chicken salad and also finished the rhubarb sauce that Nancy had made. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed early. I was not feeling 100%.

Tuesday June 28, 2011

I cannot post to the blog. On July 4, Melissa the computer whiz found out my problem is caused by the new internet explorer, version 9. I am now using Apple's Safari.

I followed my normal routine on Tuesday. I spent a good part of the afternoon working on the street light project.

Nancy fixed a chicken salad for dinner tonight. We watched a rerun of NCIS before heading to bed. That is all I can remember folks.

Monday June 27, 2011

My day started at 0500. This morning the weatherman said that the rain would hold off until late afternoon. I completed my at home routine and got on the AT and pedaled to the MAC. It was raining hard when I left the MAC. So much for accurate forecasts! I pedaled home and change into some dry clothes. I drove to the Kava House. I could not finish the WSJ because I only had an hour on the parking meter.

I had a quick lunch and then started working on the OHNA Street Light Project. I finished a plan that we will use for locating and inspecting the existing poles. I took the new plan to Veenstra's to get some copies run. I then took a 3 mile walk. When I started I thought I might get rained on. However, about 30 minutes into the walk the sun came out and the temperature climbed 10 degrees. I took a quick shower and then started on this blog. I also called the Holiday Inn in Alpena to see if we still had a room for this weekend.

Tonight is cereal and I had some granola with fruit. After the news I read the GRP and then took Ms P on a walk around the block. At 2030 I came upstairs to do some street light work.

Sunday June 26, 2011

Today is the last Sunday in June. The summer is moving too fast. We get up and at 0730 we head to the MAC. Today is first time I have been swimming in three weeks. It felt good. After our swim we headed to Meijer's for our week's supplies. We have to also purchase some special food for Missy and AJ who are coming this Friday to take care of Ms P on the first and second. We are going to Alpena so I can attend my 55th reunion.

Today is also the first time in several weeks that I had to fill the Taurus up with gas. It took over $60. Gas was $3.64. For breakfast today Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I read several sections of the paper and then headed upstairs for my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I started writing this blog. Tonight Nancy and I are attending a concert at Meijer's Garden. Steve Martin is performing. He is suppose to be an excellent banjo player. Tonight's concert is bluegrass. Stay tuned.

Steve Martin put on a great concert. It was all bluegrass. We were blessed with perfect weather. Nancy fixed a light dinner for us to eat at the concert. The concert started and 1900 and ended at 2100. We were home and in bed by 2200.