Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday November 29, 2010

Monday morning and it is back to normal. Up at 0500, take Ms P out, drink my fiber and back to bed by 0515. I finally get up at 0700, get dressed and head to the MAC. It is suppose to get up to 40⁰ by 1500 today. At 0700 the temperature was below freezing. I was dressed in layers so I experienced no discomfort. The MAC was crowded this morning. Mostly folks who wanted to lose some Thanksgiving pounds.

I finally used up my $100 gift card at the Kava House. Both the DFP and WSJ had articles on major problems in the world. North Korea, wikileaks, money problems in Ireland and Spain, nuclear arms treaty and the deficit should keep the Feds busy. I think the solutions are easy. If we brought all the troops home, implemented the recommendations of the deficit committee and let the Bush tax cuts lapse. That's right no tax cuts for anyone. See how easy it is.

After lunch I changed clothes and starting doing some chores. I taped the leaking gutter, took the garbage down to the curb, got the snow shovels down and put up the rakes. I also hung up the wheel barrow. The garage is now almost clutter free. I also walked Ms P around the block and finished off the afternoon with a 2.25 mile walk.

Tonight was cereal night. I had frosted flakes but Nancy scrambled some eggs. I read the GRP and watched the news. At 2030 I headed to bed.

I got some sad news today. A high school classmate died this weekend. He was living in Bend, Oregon. This year four male classmates have passed. On a happier note we are having our 55th reunion next July.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday November 28, 2010

My Thanksgiving break started Wednesday and ended today, Sunday. Nancy and I had a great time with Debbie, Missy and AJ in Lakewood, Ohio. What follows is a summary of our activities.

Wednesday November 24 and we slept in until 0700. We took our time loading the Taurus and finally got Ms P in and headed to Lakewood, Ohio. Our first stop was Panera Bread. We had a coupon and purchased coffee and selected our free sweet rolls. It was a dark gloomy day which was perfect for travel. We did not stop until the first plaza on the Ohio Turnpike. I filled the car up and we purchased more coffee. It is 298 miles to Lakewood and we arrived in the early afternoon. Debbie, Missy and AJ gave us a warm greeting. For dinner Wednesday we visited one of the many taverns along Detroit Ave. I had a hamburger and beer. Everyone turned in early.

Thursday November 25, Thanksgiving Day. For breakfast Nancy and I made a run to Dunkin Donuts for donuts and coffee. I was surprised they were open. After breakfast Missy started preparing the Thanksgiving dinner. I was going to go for a walk but it was raining. In fact it rained all day. I did not get my 30 minutes in.

I did perform my manly chore of stuffing and carving the turkey. It has been several years since I performed these chores but no one complained. My dad was always proud of his ability to carve a turkey. I must admit he was good. My carving ability leaves a lot to be desired. I always blame it on dull knifes. My Dad's answer would be you should know how to sharpen all your kitchen knives. I haven't sharpened a knife in years.

We sat down for dinner about 1400. I gave a toast and told a war story. My first Thanksgiving away from home was in 1961. I was in the Navy and on my way to Midway Island. I spent Thanksgiving Day at the Pearl Harbor Navy base and had Thanksgiving dinner in the BOQ. In 2010, however, I was having dinner with family. In my mind Thanksgiving is all about family. It was a great meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, apple salad and vegetables. As always I ate more that I should have. Everyone took a nap after all the food. We did have some pumpkin pie later and just before turning in we all had some ice cream.

Friday November 26, Black Friday. I got up at 0700 and walked to Caribou Coffee. I had my coffee along with an apple fritter and read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home all the girls were ready to go shopping. We got in Missy's SUV and headed to Wal-mart. After Wal-mart we stopped at Stein Mart. We had turkey sandwiches for lunch and at 1345 we all got in the car and drove Debbie to the airport. On our way home from the airport we stopped at Trader's Joes so we could purchase some supplies. We got ginger snap cookies, trail mix, peppermint tea and wine. Friday evening we stopped at another tavern along Detroit and had a hamburger and beer. It was a relaxing day.

Saturday November 27 and today is a travel day. We got up at 0700 and stopped at Dunkin Donuts for donuts and coffee. Missy and AJ like peanut donuts and chocolate donuts with sprinkles. Nancy likes glazed and I like my donuts plain.

Traffic was light on our way home. We stopped at Ikea in Canton and the discount mall west of Howell. I even purchased several items at the discount mall. We got home about 1600. After unloading the car I took a 1.5 mile walk. We had pizza for dinner. After watching some TV we headed to bed about 2100.

Sunday November 28. I took Ms P out at 0518 and then went back to bed. The alarm goes off at 0646 and we get up and head to the MAC. Nancy and I swam 45 minutes. We got back on schedule this morning and it felt good. At Meijer's I filled up the Taurus. It took 17 gallons. Gas was $2.84 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After my afternoon nap I helped Nancy deliver the OHNA newsletter. I then took a 3.25 mile walk. After the walk I moved my computer, printer and other stuff around on my desk top. I move things around about every six months. Moving is always good because then I have to clean the desk top.

Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner tonight. It was very good. We had ginger snaps for dessert. I finished the GRP and watched 60 minutes. Between 2000 and 2100 I channel surfed. I even watched a portion of Sarah Palin's show on Alaska. At 2100 we headed to bed.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday November 23, 2010

I had a pretty restless night. I could not sleep so about 0230 I played games on my itouch for about 45 minutes. I took Ms P out at 0430. It was early but I thought because she did not do her bidness last night because of the heavy rain that her bladder was probably full. I returned to bed and got up at 0630. It was about 40 degrees this morning when I headed to the MAC. It was also very dark. I debated whether to wear lined pants. I chose the lined pants and it was a good decision. I think the temperature dropped 10⁰ on my way to the MAC. The wind was very brisk.

The favorite expression I heard at the MAC was "what a difference a day makes". A drop of 30⁰ has everyone talking. On my ride to the Kava House I had to ride into a heavy west wind. In fact I put the bike in low gear just to make some headway.

After the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then dropped a book off at the library for Nancy and bought a six pack at D&W. When I got home I took a nap. After the nap I packed for our trip to Lakewood. For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. On our way home Nancy could not find her purse so we headed back to GLS. The purse was safe and sound.

We read the GRP and watched NCIS before heading to bed. We hope to leave early tomorrow I order to miss some holiday traffic.

Monday November 23, 2010

1621: It is a very warm day with intermittent showers. It appeared dry when I got ready to go to the MAC. But to make sure I would not get wet I put my rain pants in the back pack. After the MAC as I was heading to the Kava House it felt like it would soon be raining so I parked the bike and put on the rain pants. It was just a light rain but when I got inside the Kava House it really started to rain. The rain came down in buckets. Today's DFP had several articles on an upcoming trial. It appears the ex mayor had many girl friends including a Federal appointed overseer of the Detroit Police Department. I don't think you could make this stuff up.

I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch I got in the C2 and headed to the post office. I mailed a package to the grandkids in Long Beach. After the post office I stopped at Rylee's to buy some tape to stop our gutters from leaking on the stairs near the garage. The water freezes and creates a hazardous condition. It started to rain hard while I was in the store so I started to look around. I met a neighbor who lives at 1555 Alexander. He was in the seabees in Vietnam so we stopped and talked. After Rylee's I stopped by MC to see if they had any M sweatshirts. They had nothing that I liked so I came home. It is now 1632 and I am going on a 2.25 mile walk.

Nancy made oatmeal in the crock pot. It was very good. We watched a little TV, read the GRP and then headed to bed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday November 21, 2010

1727: Today was a dark gloomy day. The temperature was above normal and reached 50 in GR. Sunday is like every other day except that I set an alarm for 0646. We want to get to the MAC as soon as it opens at 0800. We had one little diversion this morning, Ms P threw up and we had to change some bed sheets. She seem to have an upset stomach about every 10 days.

Today we have a 0930 breakfast with Tom and Linda so instead of swimming 45 minutes we swam 30 minutes. We got to the Brandywine on East Beltline at 0930. The place was not too crowded but 30 minutes after we got there they had a long waiting line. Timing is everything. We had a nice breakfast and spent about 90 minutes talking and eating.

After breakfast we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I topped off the Taurus and gas was $2.89. We did not purchase much so we were able to use the express checkout lanes. When we got home I read several sections of the paper and then took my Sunday nap. Like yesterday I had a very sound sleep, 60 minutes.

Nancy purchased a book that allows her to record in her voice the story. The grandkids will get the book and when they open it up they can listen to grandma reading the book. It is a great idea. Nancy needed some quiet to record the story so I took Ms P and sat in the back room and watched the Lions. It was pathetic. Are the Lions cursed or just bad?

I finished the afternoon with a 3.2 mile walk. I over dressed so I had to take a shower. Tonight we are having soup and sandwiches for dinner. We will watch 60 minutes and hope something good is on between 2000 and 2100. Nothing good was on. I did watch nature show on leopards on PBS. At 2100 we headed to bed.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday November 20, 2010

I got up at 0500 and followed my weekday routine by returning to bed at 0515. I woke for good at 0700. This morning being Saturday I got on my bike and headed to Bill's. I had their pancake and eggs. I read both the DFP and WSJ. I like Bill's because they keep filling up my coffee without any complaints. I usually spent about an hour eating and reading.

When I got home I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we headed to Rylee's. I purchased some wood screws for the back door hinges and also a package of GR leaf bags. I replaced the screws in the back door hinges. Nancy was back from the MAC when I finished the hinges so I left Ms P off and headed to the Mall. Nancy said Macy's had a big sale. The mall lot was full but I did not see anything in Macy's that I wanted to buy. On my way home I stopped at the furniture liquidation sale to see if the swivel rocker was still available. It had been sold so I came home.

Our maple tree in the front planter had finally shed most of its leaves. I got out the rake and filled two GR leaf bags. I think I am done raking for the year. Ms P was outside with me most of the time I was raking. The neighbor kids stopped by to pet Ms P. She is very popular with the under 7 group, especially the girls. After the raking I took a nap. I slept for about 60 minutes. It was my first really sound sleep in some time. I finished the afternoon with a 3.25 mile walk. It was a great day for a walk.

Nancy and I had dinner tonight at Panera Bread. The place was crowded. I had a black bean sourdough bread bowl and Nancy had a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I did watch a part of the UM/UW game. UM does not play defense.

It is now 2056 and I will finish this blog and head downstairs to watch some TV. Tomorrow Nancy and I are meeting Tom and LInda Moleski for breakfast. We will have to swim only 30 minutes In order to get to the Brandywine by 0930. Tonight we have a big bright full moon. Is it a harvest moon? Gas is now $2.71 per gallon.

Friday Novmeber 19, 2010

Yes folks it is finally Friday. I followed my normal routine and was home from the Kava House by 1230. Ms P and I took a 1.1 mile walk today. This is the longest walk we have taken in months. She did not seem to have any problem with the walk. It was cold today so I did wear my lined pants. In fact I got on line in the afternoon and ordered another pair from Woolrich.

Nancy had a 1430 hair appoint. She continues to wear her hair short which is the way I like it.

About 1530 we got in the Taurus and headed downtown. Our first stop was the GR Symphony office to buy tickets for the New Year's Eve concert. Next we found a parking spot in the Ottawa/Ionia Ramp and walked across the street to the GR Art Museum. We bought an annual membership. We stayed and walked through the museum. We purchased a groupon ticket to J. Gardella's Tavern so we had dinner at this fine establishment. I had the perch dinner and Nancy had a chicken sandwich. I also had several Blue Moon beers. Our tab came to $3.79. After dinner we headed home and watched a little TV before heading to bed.

Thursday November 18, 2010

Last night Ms P was missing from her bed. We think she was sleeping in a bed recently used by Missy and AJ. Nancy thinks that their smell still lingers. I got up at 0500 and did my morning chores and then went back to bed until 0700. It was quite cold this morning when I left for the MAC. It was also dark and I had to use all my lights. The MAC was empty this morning so I got done earlier than normal. If I don't have anyone to talk to I get right to business.

I read the DFP and WSJ at the Kava House. I did not find any article that I thought worthy of my comment. I got home about 1230. I had a quick lunch and Ms P and I headed upstairs to my office where I am now writing this blog. I have the space heater going full blast because I got very cold riding my bike this morning. I think I will start having to wear lined pants in the future.

Nancy is attending a luncheon this afternoon. We will have an early dinner at Great Lakes Shipping because we have to attend an OHNA meeting this evening at 0700. I did squeeze in a 2.25 mile walk this afternoon.

After dinner Nancy and I attended the OHNA meeting at the new elementary school. We met in the gym which is very nice. There were about there were 35 members in attendance. I volunteered for the street light committee. We got home about 2015. At 2100 we came to bed. It is going to get down to the low 20s tonight.

Finally we had a dark, cold and gloomy November day. I enjoyed having time to spend catching up on my reading and doing inside things.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday November 17, 2010

Breakfast Club morning and I get up at 0500 to let Ms P do her bidness and then take my fiber and pill. I am back in bed by 0515 and then get up with the alarm at 0545. It was pitch black when I left this morning. This morning a Breakfast Club member who is an avid sailor, the Rev Maurice Fetty, talked about his sailing experiences on Lake Michigan and Long Island Sound. During his talk he interspersed comments on Armistice Day and Thanksgiving. It was a great presentation.

After breakfast I came home loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. When we got home from the errands Ms P and I walked around the block. It started to rain and thunder when we were halfway around the block. Ms P and I ran home. As soon as we got home the sun came out. At 1130 I pedaled to the MAC for a 45 minute swim. I still cannot do the freestyle stroke but my breast stroke is getting quite good. After a quick lunch I took a short nap.

Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home about 1645. As soon as she got home I headed out on a 3.25 mile walk. At the corner of Pontiac and Gladstone I saw a huge Hawk in an Oak Tree. I watched the bird for several minutes and then it flew off. I think it was a Cooper's Hawk. I got home at 1750 and for the last 30 minutes it was pitch black. I might need a flashlight on future last afternoon walks. The days will continue to get shorter for the next 34 days.

This afternoon I checked the Alpena News on line edition. They have a new web site and it is very good. They have archived the obituaries and anniversaries for the past two years. I check the anniversaries and saw that my old high school football coach had just celebrated his 60th. Also a high school classmate, Pete Dent, had celebrated his 50th. Pete set the MI high school record for the 100 yard and 220 yard dash in his senior year. His high school record for these distances still stands. Pete and wife celebrated their anniversary by going on a fishing trip to BC, Canada.

This evening we watched the news and read the GRP. At 2000 we watched an action show on Fox. It was not too bad. At 2100 we headed to bed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday November 16, 2010

I am back in business. I decided that my space bar problem was caused by a default in the space bar key. I changed keyboards and everything is working fine. Ms P was extra hyper last night and it took several hours to get her settled down. As a result of her hyperactivity I slept in until almost 0720 this morning. It was cool this morning but still above 32. I wore gloves on my bike ride but if the temperature continues to drop I will change to mittens. The MAC was almost empty this morning. I got done in record time. I must announce that for the first time in almost a five months I can now do a push up. This is a major milestone on my road to recovery.

Today is free refill Tuesday at the Kava House. I read both the DFP and WSJ. I continue to enjoy the WSJ especially the articles about commodities. I have a big interest in mining and agricultural activities around the world. The WSJ does seem very nervous about the progress China is making on the economic front. They think that China will surpass us and my grandkids will not experience the prosperity that my generation enjoyed. Time will tell, but I think that when we finally get serious and forget all the silliness, we will successfully respond to this challenge. I remember Sputnik in 1957 and how we responded to the Soviet space challenge.

After lunch I got in the C2 and drove out to Alto to see Jennifer Dougherty. Jennifer looks great even after all the trials and tribulations she has experienced with Cabel. I got to see Cabel and he is a cute lad. We talked about work and the prospects for the coming years. I am always optimistic. After my trip to Alto I stopped by Meijer's to pick up a prescription. They had not filled it so I came home and took a short nap.

I really don't care about William and Kate. My folks left the UK because they wanted a meritocracy and not success determined by hereditary. Down with the royal family!

For dinner Nancy cut up some chicken left over from the Saturday night dinner, added some pasta and vegetables, mixed them all together and made a tasty dish. We watched the news, read the GRP and then watched NCIS. After NCIS we headed to bed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday November 15, 2010

Nov 15 the first day od deer season. As a boy growing up in Alpena nov 15 was a big day. My dad's office was closed because all men were at camp. My dad was no exception. He usually spent the first week at camp. My mother and her friends played bridge while the mem were in camp. The women were called hunter widows.

However, today was like any other Monday in the Scott household. When I got home from the Kava House, I had a quick lunch and then started raking leaves. I filled three bags and then raked a big pile that Nancy used to put over her rose bushes.

After completing my chores I got in the C2 and headed to the chow hound to buy some food for Ms P. Today was the last day to use a $5 coupon. I finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

I am writing this blog on my itouch. I am having a problem with my computer. I cannot make a space between words. Any suggestions? I did put new batteries in my keyboard and this did not work.


Our Indian Summer is over. We woke up to low temperatures, 40s, and high winds. It was sprinkling when we left for the MAC this morning. After all her work yesterday Nancy made it an easy day today. She swam 30 minutes and I swam 45 minutes. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I also filled the Taurus up. Gas was $2.99 per gallon. Gas prices have bounced up and down all week. It has been as low as $2.91 and as high as $3.09.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast this morning. I read several sections of the paper and then headed upstairs to take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block. I am in need of several sweatshirts. I am trying to get a UM sweatshirt that only has a small block M. I cannot find one. I drove to Centerpointe Mall and looked in Old Navy and Dunham's but could not find what I wanted. When I got home I decided I needed to get my 30 in so I went on a 3.5 mile walk. It was cool and blustery. I did note that our maple trees is finally giving up its leaves. I will fill several bags tomorrow afternoon.

This evening we are having Trader Joe's tomato soup for dinner. We will watch the news, 60 minutes and finishing reading the GRP.

The days are getting shorter. Today we have 9h 46' of daylight. In St Petersburg, Russia they have 7h 34' of daylight. Now that is a short day.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday November 13, 2010

Saturday morning and it is going to start out as a nice day. The temperature at 0700 was 46⁰. I checked Nov 13 and the avg. high is 47⁰, avg. low 32⁰ and the mean temperature is 39⁰. According to the weather folks we are getting back to normal temperatures. Today I am going on a long bike ride because it might be my last chance this year. First I have to eat breakfast so I pedal to Bill's for their potatoes and eggs special. When I get home I let Ms P out and she immediately runs across the street and nearly gets hit. From now on I am putting a leash on her until she learns the street must be avoided.

I load the At on the C2 and head for Riverside Park. Today I pedaled to Rockford. It is 11.2 miles from Riverside Park to the trails intersection with Bridge Street in Rockford. It is a nice day for a ride. The leaves are off the trees so I can see the Rogue River from the trail. Traffic on the trail was very light.

After my ride I stopped by D&W in Gaslight Village and was surprised the parking lot was full. Then it hit me the lot was full because of all the folks attending the EGR/Zeeland football game. I bought some beer for tonight's party. Nancy, as usual, was well organized and I didn't have to do anything except take out the garbage. I took my shower and a short nap. I even listened to the UM game on the radio. They won.

The guests arrived at 1800 and we had wine and snacks before the main dinner. Everyone was in a good mood and Nancy had prepared a great meal. After the meal we retired to the living room and had coffee and talked. The last guest left at 2130. After a quick cleanup we headed upstairs. It was a long day for Nancy and she worked hard preparing the meal. As usual everything went off without a hitch. She should be proud.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday November 12, 2010

Today I did the up at 0500 do some chores and then back to bed until 0700. I knew it was Friday because I was a little sluggish doing my exercises. However, I did get everything done and I was at the Kava House by 1100. I continue to read about the committee studying how to lower our deficits and the more I read the more I like. I am happy to report that we had another beautiful Indian Summer day.

After lunch I loaded Ms P in the C2 and headed to Bill and Paul's to look for some lightweight summer pants. Needless to say they did not have any but I could buy some great snow pants. I wanted the lightweight pants for our trip to Hawaii this December. After Bill and Paul's I stopped by the MAC to put next week's workout clothes in my locker and bring this week's dirty clothes home. When we got home Nancy had arrived and so she laid out some chores I must do before our dinner party tomorrow night. I did call Jennifer Dougherty to get an update on how things were going since they got back from AA. She was happy to report that all aspects of her life are back to normal and going as good as could be expected.

I need some new sweatshirts so I got in the C2 and headed to the "Let's Go Blu" shop in Grandville. When I got to the store the sign said they were closed. Why didn't I call first?

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's in Gaslight Village. The meal was good. We both had the peasant soup and I also had an Olga Original. Not much on TV tonight so I read the GRP and then took a 1.5 mile walk. It was warm and cloudy. For the first time in a week I could not see the moon.

On November 11, 1955 I played my last football game for AHS. We played Hamtramck. Hamtramck is a city completely surrounded by the City of Detroit. In 1955 it had one of the largest concentration of Polish people outside of Poland. We played Hamtramck because Alpena had a very large Polish population. It was a high scoring game but we did prevail. The one thing I do remember is that it was very cold. I think the temperature was in the 20s. The Hamtramck team kept the team bus running with the heater going full blast. Periodically team members would go into the bus to warm up. Of course us hardy northerners stayed outside and endured. Oh the things we remember.

The Daily Beast today had an article entitled "Boy's Self-Esteem Crisis". Girls are doing better in high schools than boys and thus can get into better schools. In fact there are more women in college now than boys. When I went to UM women made up about 30% of the enrollment. I think one of the problems is the difficulty in getting into schools like UM. I have been told that a 4.0 average is required. I think this is nonsense. Most boys do not place grades as a high priority in high school. I think that if a student is in the top 25% of his class that they should be allowed to go to any public college in the state. I think by college most boys have settled down and are ready to get serious.

Jennifer Dougherty pointed out an error in yesterdays blog. I said WWI ended in 1911. In fact WWI ended in 1918. The term 11/11/11 stands for the eleventh day/the eleventh month and the eleventh hour.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday November 11, 2010

I followed the normal morning routine. Today being Veteran Day the Kava House offered free coffee to all veterans. I got my free coffee and then I got a phone call from Melissa wishing me a Happy Veterans Day. This is the first time that anyone called me to wish me a Happy Veterans Day.

Next year Veterans Day will be 11/11/11, exactly 100 years since the end of WWI, the war to end all wars. Did you know that nearly all WWII vets are older than 84? I was disappointed during the last election that ending our current involvement in the Middle East was not a big issue. However, I did read that the current bipartisan committee studying ways to lower our debt is recommending massive cuts in defense spending. I really like the recommendations that the committee is proposing. I hope our representatives have the guts to implement most of the recommendations. I am not optimistic.

I got home from the Kava House about 1245. I walked Ms P around the block and then ate a quick lunch. I was going to run some errands this afternoon. I started by stopping by the ATM. It was such a nice day, another one, that I said the heck with the errands I was going on a walk. I took at 2.25 mile walks. For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I watched part of the Red Wings game and then headed upstairs at 2100.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday November 10, 2010

Wednesday and no Breakfast Club today so I will eat at Bill's. I got up at 0500 and took Ms P out and then back to bed. I finally got up at 0710. I got dressed and ready to pedal to Bill. I mentioned to Nancy that I called yesterday and got an appointment with my ear doctor. My left ear causes me problems about once a year. I cannot hear out of the left. Nancy said she could fix that so she got out the ear flushing hardware and flushed some water into my ear. After several tries we noted that nothing was coming out. However, I thought I could feel a piece of wax. I got a flashlight and Nancy inspected the ear and could see a big plug. She got out a little tool that you insert into the ear and it grabs the plug. I had never seen it before but she said she used it on the kids ears. Sure enough she reached in and pulled out a big wad of ear wax. I can now hear out of my left ear. Thanks to Nancy's home remedies.

I had the weekday special at Bill's. I also read the WSJ and DFP. On my way home I took a side trip around Reeds Lake. Kim, the cleaning lady, came today. So to get out of her way I dressed for the GRBA meeting this afternoon and then got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam for 30 minutes. The GRBA meeting was a 1400. The meeting lasted about an hour. When I got home I took Ms P around the block. After Ms P's walk I took a 1.5 mile walk. On my walk I received a phone call from Jim Kloote a bridge contractor. Jim married Mike O'Donnell 's daughter. Mike is from Alpena and is two years older, The O'Donnell's lived on State Street near our home. It was a social call and we filled each other in on what was happening in our lives. Jim, just this week, was made a member of the Doctor's Club. The Doctor's Club is one of the oldest hunting clubs in NE Michigan. It was nice of Jim to call.

Nancy has book club this evening so I am having beer and pizza with Tom. Tom and I had a good time at Vitales eating pizza and drinking beer. I got home at 1945 and Nancy got home soon after. I took Ms P out before going to bed. While outside I enjoyed watching the beautiful crescent moon. At 2100 we headed upstairs.

Tuesday November 9, 2010

It is getting to be a routine. Up at 0500 take Ms P outside, drink my fiber, take my pill and back to bed until 0700. The stars were out at 0500 and the temperature was in the high 30s. I pedaled to the MAC today and about the half way point I noticed that my handle bars were loose. My rear view mirror on the handle bar kept moving. I could easily move the bar. I was worried that the handle bar might come off and then I would take a big fall. I was going to stop and walk the bike when I remembered that I had a jack knife type set of tools. I stopped got out the handy dandy tool and found an Allen wrench that fit the handle bars and tightened everything up. Another disaster diverted by my foresight.

I got to the Wealthy Steet/ Breton Road light when who should I see but Pam Schwaderer, the Doctor's wife and Carol Masten. They were walking around Reeds Lake. Dr Shwaderer had given me a gift certificate to the Kava House and I told Pam that I still was using it. It was a great gift. I got to the Kava House by 1030 and had plenty of time to read the WSJ and DFP.

After lunch today I cleaned up my office and then loaded up the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails/Millennium Park bike path. It was a beautiful fall day for a bike ride. In fact it was an absolutely perfect fall day. I finished my ride about 1645 and the sun was rapidly setting.

Nancy used a new crock pot we got Sunday at Meijer's to fix dinner last night. I read the GRP and then watched NCIS. At 2100 we all headed to bed.

Monday November 8, 2010

I did another wake up at 0500 and then back to bed. I headed to the MAC at 0730 and the sun was shining brightly. During my youth we did not have DST. DST was not in effect in Michigan until 1973. I like DST because in the summer we have more after work daylight. However, DST ruined the Drive In Movie business. I have fond memories of Drive In Movies.

It was cold this morning with temperature in the low 30s. The weatherman said it would warm up rapidly so I did not have to layer up this morning. At the Kava House I read several articles in the WSJ that were of interest to me. The first was how the alternative energy industry is existing only because of taxpayer money. Why can't these industries survive without Fed support? The Feds also are trying to build transmission lines for their new installations. I think transmission lines should be paid for by the utility.

The WSJ likes to pick on CA. They continue to highlight the serious financial problems the state is facing. They do not think the new Gov can or wants to solve their problems. Public employee unions are high on the WSJ's hit list.

I had a quick lunch this noon and then started to run some errands. I took a sample of Ms P's poop to the Vets. I then bought a cheap stop watch at the mall. I also bought a short leash for Ms P. I stopped at Klingman's to look for a swivel rocker. They were too pricy for me. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. I then strapped on my GPS and went on a 2.25 mile walk. My mile time was 18'14".

Tonight was cereal night. Nancy is tired of cereal so she had a frozen dinner. Not much on TV so we headed to bed early.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday November 7, 2010

Today marks the end of DST. I reset the new alarm clock in my room before going to bed. When I got up about 3 I checked the clock and saw that it had automatically turned back a hour. So I had to move the clock ahead. Confused yet! Ms P and I got up at 0500 EST. We went outside and although it was pitch black I knew we were going to have a beautiful day. The stars were extremely bright. After our 0500 chores I headed back to bed. The alarm went off at the proper time, 0646, and Nancy and I got ready for our swim.

We both swam 45 minutes and in keeping with our Sunday schedule we stopped at Meijer's to get our weekly supplies. We needed some extra food because we are having two couples over for dinner next Saturday. I filled the Taurus up today and gas was $3.09 per gallon. That is $0.30 more than at the start of last week. I also returned 48 bottles.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I let Ms P lick some of the yolk off the plate. I read a section of the GRP and then headed upstairs to take my Sunday nap. It was such a beautiful day that I took a 3.25 mile walk after the nap. I strapped on my GPS and determined that my mile pace was 17'54". Last night Mary Namey said that her mile pace was about 14'50". That is 3 minutes faster than my pace. I think 14'50" is what Debbie can walk. I don't think that I could walk 16' miles. I will keep practicing.

We are having hamburgers for dinner tonight. The hamburgers were delicious as were the baked beans. After dinner I finished the GRP and then watched a delayed 60 minutes. At 2100 Bob and Nancy headed upstairs.

Saturday November 6, 2010

It was very cold this morning so I wore my Under Armor turtleneck and lined pants. I also put the ear muffs on the snowboard helmet I wear in cold weather. I stayed warm on my pedal to Bill's but my headlight burned out and I had to be very careful. At Bill's I had the breakfast special, eggs, potatoes, link sausage and toast I got home from Bill's about 0930 and Nancy was already home. She wanted a cup of coffee so I headed to the Kava House and got us both a coffee. After the Kava House I drove to Rylee's Hardware to get some yard bags and a special insert that keeps the bags open when I am filling them. I also drove to Woodland Mall to visit the new North Face store that had just opened. It was a disappointment. I did purchase a pair of cold weather walking boots for this winter. I got the boot's at the Track' n Trail store in the mall.

Nancy and Mary Namey are working at a sale at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. Ed Namey picked Nancy up about 1215. I spent the afternoon raking leaves. I finished about 1530. It was a beautiful fall day.

After a quick shower I got dressed and headed to Meijer's to pick up Nancy and Mary. We headed to Marco's to meet Ed Namey for dinner. We had a great dinner. After dinner we returned to our house for coffee and cookies.

Friday November 5, 2010

I am back to my early rise at 0500 and then return to bed for another hour of sleep. It was cold and black when I left for the MAC this morning. I got about halfway there when I noticed that it was snowing. This is the first snow of the 2010/2011 winter. Of course nothing is sticking but snow is snow.

In addition to the snow I was almost blown off the road by the high wind. Luckily the wind was out of the north and my ride to the Kava House is mostly east/west. I hurried through the WSJ and DFP because I had to be home by 1200. Today I am taking Ms P to the Vet for her annual physical. Ms P was shaking when we entered the Vet's office. Like a people physical the Doc looked at her mouth, ears, nose and other body parts. Her heart was checked and the Doc drew some blood and also gave her a shot. She is now up to date on her shots. I must collect a stool sample next week and we won't know the results of the blood work until next week. The preliminary verdict is that Ms P is one healthy dog. She weighs 10 pounds which is a good weight for a doodle.

When we got home we picked up Nancy and headed to Costco. Nancy got some Halloween pictures developed and filled a prescription. I bought a pair of pants. On our way home we stopped at Chase Bank so Nancy could make a OHNA deposit. When we got home I took a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy wanted to go to Kohl's tonight so we decided to eat first at Panerra Bread and then head to Kohl's. I had the sourdough bread soup bowl (clam chowder) and Nancy had a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The place was very crowded. After soup we headed to Kohl's and then home. Not much on TV so we headed to bed early.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday November 4, 2010

This morning I have an appointment to bring the C2 to Berger Chevy so they can fix a power steering problem. The C2 is under recall. I had the car into Berger at 0745. They say it would take 1.5 hours so I walk to the MAC, a distance of 1 mile. This morning I rowed 20 minutes. Before the fall I was rowing 20 minutes, actually 4K, every day. It felt good. However, my happiness was lessened when I was talking to a young doctor at the MAC. I was explaining my recovery and he checked by pushing and shoving on my shoulder. I felt some pain and he said that I probably had a rotator cuff problem that might require surgery. I explained that I was going to avoid the knife at all costs. I hope that over time the shoulder will heal.

After the MAC I walked back to Berger and picked up the C2. I stopped by the Kava House and read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I was going to take Nancy to Costco but I saw by her calendar that she was working at the hospital. So I got Ms P and we headed to Home Depot to look at their selection of storm doors. I hope to put on a new east side storm door this winter. The existing door is in tough shape. Our next stop was Staples where I bought some supplies for my office. When I got home I played around the office and then took a 1.5 mile walk.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the French dip and Nancy had the Chinese chicken salad. At home I started reading the paper and immediately fell asleep. I slept almost an hour. Not much in the paper and we came upstairs at 2100.

On this date in 1955 the Alpena High Wildcats football team traveled to Bay City to play Bay City Handy. We won handily and I got to play the whole game. We had snow that week but the field had been cleared before the game. My Uncle Harold and Aunt Helen from Alma made a special trip to Bay City to see me play. I was very excited about them attending.

It has been below freezing the past several mornings. Nancy and I are getting out the cold weather gear.

Wednesday November 3, 2010

The alarm goes off bright and early this morning. I get right up because today I have Breakfast Club. I take Ms P out and bring Nancy her morning coffee. I am on my way downtown at 0640. The turnout for today's Breakfast Club was low. Maybe too many election parties? I sit with the same folks every time we have a meeting. There are 8 people at each table. This year four of us have either fallen flat on our face or crashed their bike. Everyone had to have stitches for their injuries. I am the youngest. We must get clumsy in our old age.

After the meeting I came home and intended to catch up on my mail. However, the weather seemed nice so I took a 3 mile walk. After the walk I did read some mail (10%). Nancy got home about 1130 and she had breakfast and at 1230 I drove her to Meijer's Garden. Nancy is working this afternoon. After I dropped Nancy off I was heading to the MAC for a swim when I noticed that a warning light came on. The warning said the air in the Taurus's tires was low. At the MAC I checked the tires and they all seemed fine. I swam for 40 minutes today. After the swim I took the Taurus to Fox Ford to have them check out the warning light. They checked the tire pressure and all four tires were 5 psi low. They filled up the tires and I was on my way.

I stopped by a furniture liquidation sale. I almost bought a leather swivel rocker. However, the rocker was also a recliner. I did not want a recliner in the office.

At 1530 I drove to Meijer's to pick up Nancy. We then headed to a warehouse paper sale. The sale location was across from the Cottage Bar. The place was jammed so I let Nancy off and drove around until I found a parking spot. I think there were 400 women at the sale and only two men. Nancy said if I drove her she would buy dinner at the Cottage Bar. Nancy made her purchases in under 30 minutes. It was too early for dinner so we came home. I took a Cottage Bar rain check.

It will be interesting to hear all the commies on MSNBC explain the election results. I was happy with the results. Congress was out of control. Not much on TV so we headed upstairs at 2100. I got my 30 in today did you?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday November 1, 2010

Once again I woke up at 0500. I did my morning chores and then went back to bed. The alarm went off at 0600 and I got up and headed to the MAC. This was the earliest I have been to the MAC in ages. A lot of the early risers asked where I had been. I said I was enjoying my retirement by sleeping in. This morning I increased my rowing time to 18 minutes. The row was painless. On Thursday I will increase the time to 20 minutes. The shoulder is getting better.

I got home before 1000 we piled into Missy's suv and headed to Bill's. We had the breakfast special and AJ had a modified kid's breakfast. We spent about an hour eating and talking. AJ is really good sitting in a restaurant. After breakfast Missy finished packing. After Nancy got home we said our goodbyes and Missy and AJ headed to Ohio. It was enjoyable having Missy and AJ this weekend. Ms P was sad to see them leave. She has been moping around all evening.

Yesterday I raked some leaves so I took the bags down to the curb. Nancy worked in the yard this afternoon and she filled a bag. I drove to Rylee's this afternoon to purchase a stud finder and some sheet metal screws. I reattached the gutter downspout this afternoon. I also got out my electric chain saw and cut up the wood post that supported Aunt Judy's dinner bell. I am going to buy a new post. I recently had the bell welded back together and painted. I intend to hang it in the back yard.

After my yard work I took a 3 mile walk. Not much on TV tonight so I headed upstairs at 2000 to catch up on my blogs. I want to go to bed early so that I can set the alarm and get up at 0600. It was another beautiful fall day.

Sunday October 31, 2010

Nancy and I got up at 0645. At 0740 we headed to the MAC. We both swam 45 minutes. After the MAC we headed home and picked up AJ and Missy and headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up. Gas was $2.81 per gallon. After Meijer's Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast. AJ and I took a short nap after breakfast.

After the nap we put the car seat in the Taurus and Nancy and I took AJ to the zoo. It was a beautiful day for a walk through the zoo. AJ was very attentive and seemed to enjoy the displays that were open. Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner. It was great. Missy got AJ dressed in her bumble bee costume. Ms P even had a costume. Missy had make a hot dog jacket for Ms P. The hot dog was complete with catsup and mustard. Ms P was the hit of the neighborhood. We walked around our block and I was surprised at how many home owners were sitting outside all dressed up and passing out candy. AJ seemed to enjoy it. We were out about 30 minutes. After we got home the cars and vans started moving in from outside our neighborhood. We had about 150 folks stop by the house. We turned off the lights at 1950. Most of the outsiders were teenagers without costumes.

I headed to bed early because I promised to take Missy and AJ out for breakfast tomorrow after the MAC. It was a beautiful fall day. I think AJ enjoyed the zoo and trick or treating. Missy brought her home last October and Nancy and I were amazed with her progress in the past 12 months.

Saturday October 30, 2010

Just like the past two days I got up at 0500, took my pill, and then went back to bed until 0650. At 0730, Nancy headed to the MAC and I got on the AC and pedaled to Bill's. I had the pancake and eggs. I read both the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had several articles on how nasty the race for MI Supreme Court justice is. Apparently in a census year the Supreme Court plays a major role in redistricting. MI will lose a US legislative seat so how the boundaries are drawn has major political implications.

After breakfast I stopped at Rylee's Hardware which is across the street from Bill's. I purchased some wall anchors so I can hang a coat rack on my office's west wall. I also bought some 10 year smoke alarm batteries. I contacted Missy about 1000 and she said that she was in MI on US23. I realized that I had time so I pedaled back to Rylee's to buy a new smoke alarm. When I got home I hung the new alarm and then checked the one I thought was bad. I was wrong so we now have three smoke alarms on the second floor.

Missy got to GR about 1400. She and AJ had a good day for a car ride. We spent some time getting reacquainted. Missy, AJ, Ms P and yours truly took a walk around the block. At 1730 we all got in Missy's SUV and headed to Russ' for dinner. The four of us lowered the average age in the restaurant by 15 years.

Tomorrow is a busy day so we all headed to bed early. Ms P elected to sleep with Missy and AJ.