Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday October 2, 2010

Friday October 1st and I am up at 0710. Today I am working on the OHNA tree planting crew. We start work at 0800. Nineteen trees will be planted in the neighborhood. There are nine folks working on the project. The nursery had an auger that dug the holes for the trees. We completed the project at 1130. Everyone was pretty tired.

Kim came today to clean so when I got home I decided to run some errands so that I would not be in Kim's way. After the errands I took a shower and then a short nap. About 1500 Nancy and I headed downtown to look at some more artprize entries. We walked around town until about 1730 and then decided to get some food. We ate at the GP Sports Bar in the Amway. After dinner we continued our walk. Downtown was very crowded. I know the owner of Flanagan's and he said Artprize increased his business about 30%. We got home about 1930. We watched a little TV, read the GRP and at 2100 headed to bed. It was another beautiful fall day.

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