Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday October 24, 2010

Sunday morning and I get up the first time at 0500. I take Ms P out and then empty the dryer of my clothes and bring my basket upstairs. I immediately go back to bed and wake up at 0646 when the alarm goes off. Nancy is still wiped out from her fall so she is not going swimming today. I get in the C2 and head to the MAC. I swam for 45 minutes with little pain. I have been doing the breast stroke but today I tried the backstroke. I was surprised that I had little pain with the backstroke. I had not shaved since Tuesday so after my shower I shaved. I got home about 0945. We then went to Meijer's to get our weekly supplies. Ms P went along. The gas gauge said we had 57 miles until empty. I put 16.5 gallons in the Taurus. Gas was $2.75.

When we got home Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read a few sections of the paper and then took my regular Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap Nancy and I along with Ms P drove to Kohl's. Yes that Kohl's. Nancy returned several items and we purchased a comforter for the twin bed in Debbie's room. Next we stopped at Woodland Mall so Nancy could purchase some cosmetics that were on sale.

Ms P was a model passenger during our trip. When we got home I took a 3 mile walk. The leaves are going fast but this has been one of the best years for fall colors. I continue to see some Robins. Are they confused or is it global warming?

Nancy fixed a special dinner for me tonight. I had cream chipped beef on toast. It was outstanding. I also had a baked apple for dessert. All in all a great meal.

We watched 60 minutes and read the GRP. At 0845 we all headed to bed.

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