Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday October 16, 2010

The weatherman said it was going to be a beautiful fall day. So I drag myself out of bed at 0700. I get dressed and get on the AT and head to Bill's. It was very dark when I left so I had all my bike lights on. I had the pancake and eggs special for breakfast. After breakfast I loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran several errands. I had to stop at Master Cleaners to pick up my fall sports coats and at the bank. I then loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Riverside Park.

The weatherman was right it was a beautiful day for a bike ride. I rode 30 miles. THis was my first ride with the new 5 speed. I really needed the additional speeds when I encountered some strong headwinds on my way home. I had it in the lowest gear.

When I got home I watched some of the UM/Iowa game and then headed upstairs to read some mail. Nancy and I went to dinner at Russ'. We were the youngest folks in the restaurant. I had the meatloaf and Nancy had the unlimited soup and salad bar. We had a coupon so the total bill was less than $7. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

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