Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday October 17, 2010

The alarm went off at 0646. I got out of bed and headed downstairs to let Ms P out and also to fill her food and water bowls. The pool was empty this morning. I swam 45 minutes using only a modified breast stroke. I think swimming is good for my shoulder. It had been exactly 4 months since the face plant. Every day in every way the shoulder gets better and better. (thanks to Peter Sellers)

After the swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. In addition we purchased leaf bags and bird seed. In a couple of weeks we will start feeding the birds. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday afternoon nap.

It was such a nice day Nancy wanted to go for a ride to apple country. Maybe we could find a stand that sold apple cider and donuts. We drove north to Kent City and Casnovia. We saw several small stands but nothing offering cider by the glass let alone donuts. The colors were great. We drove over to Sand Lake and then down old US 131 to Rockford. We took the back roads home. Ms P went with us.

I took a 2 mile walk when we got home. Tonight we are having hamburgers with beans. I will watch 60 minutes and read the GRP. Speaking of the GRP, today they had an article on Pat Miles who is running for congress. They mentioned that he was a 1984 graduate of OHHS. Debbie graduated in 1984. I got my 30 in today, I sure hope you did too.

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